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Any working hat+ mask glitches?

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I want to combine my red hockey mask and Santa hat, but have no way of doing so.


I actually forayed into YouTube for a bit and remembered why you should never go there looking for glitches in the first place. SUBSCRIBE LIKE SUBSCRIBE.


But, anyway, if anybody has any working methods on how to wear a hat and mask at the same time (not helmet and mask), I'd really appreciate knowing.

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All patched for hats...espeacialy next gen...can't even do helmet and mask.



I wont link it because people will flip out and cry about youtubers, but I saw in a recent video, a guy on next gen wearing a ballistics helmet and the ginger bread mask, so it is still possible. Not sure how it was done.






I will post a screenshot....




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All patched for hats...espeacialy next gen...can't even do helmet and mask.


I wont link it because people will flip out and cry about youtubers, but I saw in a recent video, a guy on next gen wearing a ballistics helmet and the ginger bread mask, so it is still possible. Not sure how it was done.






I will post a screenshot....





All patched for hats...espeacialy next gen...can't even do he



I wont link it because people will flip out and cry about youtubers, but I saw in a recent video, a guy on next gen wearing a ballistics helmet and the ginger bread mask, so it is still possible. Not sure how it was done.






I will post a screenshot....




lmet and mask.


Thanks for the correction...this must be the motorcycle or quad method because the strip club method no longer works. So helmet añd mask work but not hat and mask...I will have to try and report back.



Its the blazer method.


-Set the helmet you want (put on the helmet push X to set, make certain auto show helmet is on)


-Stand next to the blazer without the helmet on

-Open your inventory to masks

-get on the blazer and as soon as the helmet animation starts select the mask you want


(You only have a few seconds so the more masks you have, the harder it will be to get the combination you want.)



***I've tested the old hat methods and none work on xb1.

The strip club helmet mask trick also doesn't work***

Edited by TreFacTor

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