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My Online Update Idea - The Ultimate Entrepreneur Update

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Iv'e been thinking hard lately, and i have come up with an idea that could make for Rockstar's biggest update and really give the online economy something interesting. Here is the idea in full.



The biggest update in Grand Theft Auto Online’s short history is here. With this new update, you will be able to purchase, manage and become a marketing legend within any business in Los Santos. Along with this new update, there will be extra apartments and garages added, new clothing, new weapons and of course new vehicles. The update will be FREE of charge and releases January 20th, 2015.


Opening a business, managing a business and becoming successful

You may now go ahead and purchase any business on Grand Theft Auto and own it. From places like Cluckin’ Bell to the Doppler Theatre, to Ron’s petrol stations or even the Los Santos International Airport. Businesses like the Airport and even Banks will cost a lot of money to purchase off the previous owner, but once you do own them, if done correctly, you can make a fortune. You may own one business at a time. You can sell it if you need to.


Once you purchase a business and we will take Suburban for example, you can then hire and fire staff via a new menu, you can adjust product prices and you can alter what is on sale. Not only will you generate money from AI customers but when you are in a Grand Theft Auto Online lobby, everyone in that lobby will only see your prices when they go to that store and will purchase from YOU. If you purchase a business like the Airport, as said, it will cost a lot of money to buy simply because you will make a lot more money. With flight prices and inside food prices to be adjusted, this can really get you running in the world of Los Santos.


This makes managing a business effective and gives our online currency some balance. The possibilities are endless and this can really help you earn money, or even lose some if your price management is poor. Become an Entrepreneur today!


Wear your business’ clothes

To make things interesting, with this update, you won’t automatically receive new unlocked clothing. Every time you own a business, you unlock their clothing, but the catch here is, if you sell the business, you lose the clothes. Bank owners will receive the very best high end clothes, where as Cluckin Bell owners will receive the vintage fast food shirts.


Style and Profile in brand new cars

This works in conjunction to the clothing. There will be 3 brand new cars to purchase, but there will also be one car to unlock for every business available to purchase online. The three brand new cars are: The Bravado Turbo, a high speed muscle car. Ocelot F15 is a variant of the original Ocelot F620. Finally we have the Asteroid, which is a spinoff from the popular car: Comet. This looks different but handles the same. These three cars will come at various costs and will be available from the go.


Fly to your business, with your business

Along with this new update, will come an airplane. The Mystique, a variant of the Luxor, with a branded outside will be available to purchase via your business’ menu screen. The only way to buy this plane is to own a business and purchase it via that business. The Mystique will then change its livery to the business’ logo and colors. You must still purchase the plane, which will come in at a cost of 1.8m GTA$. If you own the airport, you’re in luck; you get the plane for FREE!


Bang, you may need a few

As said, there will 100% be new weapons. Weapons will be purchasable from the go. The barbed wire bat will be ready to purchase and will kill with brutality. The Agency Pistol will be a high impact, agency looking hand gun. You will also have access to Binoculars and Infrared Binoculars to help with long range hunting and sniping. The final gun you can purchase is the Entrepreneur. Fitting for the title of the update, the Entrepreneur is the best of the lot; it is an assault rifle that matches the real world AK74-u, which is an Sub Machine Gun x Assault Rifle. As goes with the theme of the update, if you own Ammunation, the weapons are free of charge.


JANUARY 20th, 2015

The wait isn’t long before you can get your business up and running. Tell your friends about it, flaunt it, and make sure you take care of it. Your business is your life on Grand Theft Auto Online. Be careful it doesn’t get your bankrupt, but you take a risk as you can become rich.

The update will be live on all platforms on January 5th, 2015. Will require a free download / update when you open the application, which will be around the 2GB mark. Pre downloads not available for this update.


Become an Entrepreneur
















This idea is cool but how would it work in a lobby where multiple people have the same venue. You mentioned the player's prices would be displayed?


Same as apartments. If someone owns the same business and im entering the shop even though they own it, the prices they have made the items will be displayed and i will buy via those prices. If they enter the store, it will be mine.


If there are multiple individuals with the same business, a select screen would come up, with every users name, you choose who's you'd like to see.


Im sure Rockstar would come up with some ideas on how it would work, this was just a rough idea to get the GTA Online money balanced and help make money in a different way.

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