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Please help with 2nd character

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So my gf has taken an interest in the game. I want to make her an online character on PS4. What is the best way to go about this? She has her own profile on the ps4, but I dont want to pay for 2 ps+ accounts. If I let her make a character on my name, in the second character slot, will it affect my characters money and car and what not? I know at least some of yall have a gf on here lol help me out.

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A second character on your GTA account will share the same bank account.

If you want her to have a separate bank account, she'll have to make a GTA account of her own.

A secondary PS4 account will share the PS Plus for online play.

It won't cost extra.


Edited by *Lola

You do not need to pay for 2x PSN accounts. That isn't how it works on PS4.


My GTA PSN does not have PS+ and I don't need it to because my main account has PS+ and it's set to be the Primary PS4. All PSN accounts you log into my PS4 will have PS+ access and all games that I purchased on that account.


I buy my games and PS+ on one account and use a second one to actually play them.


* To clarify:

If you come over to my house, log into your PSN account made on a PS3 with no PS+... you can go directly online and play GTA. You can also play my digital games I purchased even when I'm not logged into that account.


You can confirm this on PS forums somewhere.. to lazy to google for you sorry.

Edited by Jyra

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