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Which properties did you buy with which character?

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Cutter De Blanc

Trevor got the Golf course just so he's not constantly hemmoraging money. I also bought him the Hen House, because I have on every playthrough; although the property is just about worthless.


Michael has all the Movie Theaters, I think he's the only one who can buy them anyway. I also bought the Sonar Collection Dock for him, cuz it seems like Michael would be the kind of guy to own his own private dock near Chumash.


Aside from the Cab Depot, LSC, Impound Lot, and Weed shop, I bought Pitchers for Franklin, because in addition to it being right down the way from his house, the Ballas occasionally attack it. Gotta keep it gangsta.


I haven't purchased Hookies or the Tequila-La yet. They will probably go to Michael and Trevor respectively.


Trevor gets all the clubs cuz in the story he shows interest in running clubs... the scrap yard and docks because those involve free roam gameplay...


M gets the country club since he is a regular anyhow and is the only character that I think it fits... and also the Hookies restaurant because I don't think it fits F.... I think M must like Chumash and going up the coast for boating, and since T owns the fishing docks and can't buy Hookies, I think it makes sense for M.... my idea is that T bought the fishing docks, and since M is up that way sail boating these days anyhow, convinced M to buy it, and helps connect fisherman to M since Hookies is basically a fish restaurant



so in the end, T has all the management (clubs, shootouts, etc) properties... M has the theaters and golf club... and F has the two driving properties (taxi and tow truck -- putting in work)

Average white guy

Micheal has the sonar collections dock and he will be getting Hookies soon.


Franklin has the towing impound, scrap yard and taxi depot.


Trevor only has McKenzie Field so far.

Frank always gets the golf club in all my play throughs, mostly cause I like the idea of someone from the hood owning a golf course.

Frank also got the Henhouse to make the delivery mission easier, really struggle with it otherwise.

As for all the other optional businesses, I just split them 50/50 between the other 2 without much thought tbh.

Edited by KnobCheez

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