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how you imagine the Harwood massacre was?

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Pretty self explanatory.

Since i was a kid ,i always imagined it was like straight up manhunt style, a really gory event, no shootings, just blunt force that turned a young Tommy Vercetti into the leyend that is the Harwood Butcher.

How do you imagine this event was?

Edited by Midnight Hitman
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I imagine Vercetti would be ambushed and captured unaware that Sonny Forelli has tipped off the target that he is about to get hit. He somehow escapes and grabs the nearest weapon to hand (a meat cleaver) and works his way through ten goons. And still manages to kill the man he was originally sent to kill. I think he's mentioned in Marco's Bistro somewhere as Bruno.


It would more than certainly be a gruesome event as there are also pictures in Marco's Bistro of newspapers reporting that Vercetti was sentenced to the electric chair. I think it says a lot about the character young Tommy was that he didn't inform on the Forelli's even when threatened with death. It's not likely he had much to live for beyond his reputation as a killer.

  • Like 9

When I think of it, I see Tommy shooting down goons with a M4 on the grassy area west of the car crusher.


However, there's a dirt track on it's place in 1998, so it probably won't look like that in 1971, but I still see it like that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I always imagined it happened in the lot next to 8 Ball's shop. And Thomas massacred them 11 men.

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The Mysterious One

Considering Tommy's age as said in the strategy guide, I can only guess that he learned how to kill and entered the mob world at a rather young age. He would have had to have been 19 or 20 during the events of the Harwood Massacre. Plus, he must have learned all those skills to last against 11 men years before.

Edited by The Mysterious One
  • Like 1

I imagine something similar to the ambush in the intro cutscene.The hitmen start shooting at Tommy,but miss him,he jumps to cover,but instead of getting away like in the cutscene,he is armed and starts shooting at them like crazy until they are all dead and he is out of bullets.Then he hears the police sirens and surrenders.

Nah nah nah Gta 6

Probably be in the car crusher area, he shoots up gang members (don't know what gang, I'd assume Leones or Triads), police arrive and he is arrested, 1 year for every kill.


so basically similar to the final part of 'The Green Sabre' where CJ kills a bunch of ballas and gets arrested.

For some reason, I always imagined that it took place at Capital Autos. The target would be in the open and Tommy would go up to shoot him. Then, ten guys would be on top of Capital Autos and pop out to shoot Tommy. Tommy would quickly shoot his target and duck behind a vehicle or something. Then, afterwards, the Capital Autos lot would be stained red.

  • Like 1

Tommy went to a restaurant in Harwood and ordered a steak to be cooked medium rare. It came out medium well. Tommy killed everybody in the restaurant in a fit of rage.

Nah nah nah Gta 6

No. 11 men is 11 years. He got 15 years.

I know he got 15 years but didn't he kill 11 men in 'Cap the collector'?

  • Like 2

I don't know. But you said he propably got 1 year for every men, he killed 11 men but got 15 years.


"How many was it? 10, no eleven man! That's how you get to be called the Harwood Butcher hahaha" Sonny Forelli, moments before Lance's betrayal.

I don't know. But you said he propably got 1 year for every men, he killed 11 men but got 15 years.


"How many was it? 10, no eleven man! That's how you get to be called the Harwood Butcher hahaha" Sonny Forelli, moments before Lance's betrayal.

With corruption rife in LC that sentence would be pretty typical then.

Well, it definently was an event that changed everything about Tommy. It also gives us fans a way to theorise Tommy's psychology and if this was a memento that was stuck onto him and he was only able to try to force himself to forget it while in prison.. And when he found out Sonny gave the orders, he only had the mind of a psych.... Lets not go there:


I think the harwood massacre was bloody, and it was very disturbing for young Tommy because the only thing he could of think was self defense - and why this was happening. Of course he is a master of self defense, so either he went stealth and then came up with a surprise meat cleaver, took one goons gun, shooting, running, shooting, no ammo, getting shot himself somewhere in wich he only gets wounded, take another gun, shoots, runs, etc etc..... A bloody mess indeed.. Wich left Tommy in a way mentally dead.


Like the OP said, in a way straight manhunt style.

Edited by Phoenix_Poop
  • Like 5
  • 2 weeks later...

Well first of all; Sonny must have thought Tommy to be a serious threat by sending all those hitmen just for him.

Eleven guys. Damn. And considering the fact how young Tommy was back in the early 70's. Just a 20 year old youngster..

As for the event itself; Tommy propably being his lethal force-self, even back then. One can just wonder.

Edited by markwey

It's amazing how he done it with the sh*tty weapons LC had to offer (except the M16)


Come again?

  • Like 3
Nah nah nah Gta 6


It's amazing how he done it with the sh*tty weapons LC had to offer (except the M16)


Come again?


CJ moved back to liberty city with his guns and Toni stole them, he then lost them

I imagine a young Tommy controlled and possesed from hatred.He quickly understands that his target is a "little" more protected than Sonny said.He hides in some crates in which a machete was.He takes it and hits the closest mafioso to its position in the neck.Then with one hand he started shooting with a pistol and in the other hand he used the machete to take care of anyone that got close him.When every f*cking thing on earth was red the man he was sent to kill tries to leave and gets in a building protected by other two men.They were in the second floor.Without anyone seeing he strangles from behind one of the mafiosos and then,the mafioso without knowing what to do and scared as hell starts to shoot randomly and kills his partner.Then,Tommy deals with him with his machete.The man he was sent to kill started to beg for mercy while Tommy started to chop every part of his body in pieces(yeah,even "that" part).Then he hears the sirenes.He could kill one cop with his pistol but he quickly gets outnumbered.The cops come and arrest him,being creeped out from all the blood...

Edited by The GTA Fanatic

I imagine something similar to the ambush in the intro cutscene.The hitmen start shooting at Tommy,but miss him,he jumps to cover,but instead of getting away like in the cutscene,he is armed and starts shooting at them like crazy until they are all dead and he is out of bullets.Then he hears the police sirens and surrenders.

Haha, I never thought that I would have the same event in mind as a lot of people here. :D

Basically I imagine it the same way as you, but next to the car crusher:


Sonny would explain to Tommy that he has to kill one guy hanging near the car crusher. When he arrives, nobody is here, a few seconds later, three cars shows up filled with goons and starts shooting at Tommy who cover himself behind the car crusher, only armed with a gun. During the shootout, one of the goons tries to flank Tommy who notice him and knock him down right before getting shot, he take the goon's pistol and start shooting every one, Max Payne style. A bunch of them are killed, he covers himself again behind a car, reload, and start shooting everything up. Two cars would explodes from Tommy's bullet. One guy left, Tommy runs at him and kills him with his bare hands.

After realizing what happened and that he's still alive, 10 police cars arrives at the scene, Tommy has no choice but to surrender. The place would be a real mess, there would be corpses everywhere, blood, flames, a real carnage.

I always imagined that event as the introduction cut scene of VC, similar to GTA III with the newspaper in the end telling the event with "Sentenced to 15 years" as the title with a picture of Tommy during that time.

Somehow, I don't really know why, but the music "I love you" by Woodkid makes me always see that moment in mind. With, in the end of the song, a little clip board in Tommy's cell showing the days he has passed with a time lapse until it reaches 1986. :)

  • Like 2
The Mysterious One


I imagine something similar to the ambush in the intro cutscene.The hitmen start shooting at Tommy,but miss him,he jumps to cover,but instead of getting away like in the cutscene,he is armed and starts shooting at them like crazy until they are all dead and he is out of bullets.Then he hears the police sirens and surrenders.

Haha, I never thought that I would have the same event in mind as a lot of people here. :D

Basically I imagine it the same way as you, but next to the car crusher:


Sonny would explain to Tommy that he has to kill one guy hanging near the car crusher. When he arrives, nobody is here, a few seconds later, three cars shows up filled with goons and starts shooting at Tommy who cover himself behind the car crusher, only armed with a gun. During the shootout, one of the goons tries to flank Tommy who notice him and knock him down right before getting shot, he take the goon's pistol and start shooting every one, Max Payne style. A bunch of them are killed, he covers himself again behind a car, reload, and start shooting everything up. Two cars would explodes from Tommy's bullet. One guy left, Tommy runs at him and kills him with his bare hands.

After realizing what happened and that he's still alive, 10 police cars arrives at the scene, Tommy has no choice but to surrender. The place would be a real mess, there would be corpses everywhere, blood, flames, a real carnage.

I always imagined that event as the introduction cut scene of VC, similar to GTA III with the newspaper in the end telling the event with "Sentenced to 15 years" as the title with a picture of Tommy during that time.

Somehow, I don't really know why, but the music "I love you" by Woodkid makes me always see that moment in mind. With, in the end of the song, a little clip board in Tommy's cell showing the days he has passed with a time lapse until it reaches 1986. :)


I like how Rockstar did something like this in V with the Ludendorff Heist being the introductory mission before the events of the game. That would have been cool if something like that was in Vice City, or at least a short movie like The Introduction was to San Andreas.

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Oh, wait...


OT: I always thought it was a IV styled shooting between him and the goons, something very action packed. But now that I read Tyla's point of view, I actually agree with him. That coudn't be just another ordinary shooting, but something really messy and disgusting. If he didn't managed to escape the cops, he probably didn't had too many resources at his disposal.

  • Like 3
  • 2 weeks later...

Well first of all; Sonny must have thought Tommy to be a serious threat by sending all those hitmen just for him.

Eleven guys. Damn. And considering the fact how young Tommy was back in the early 70's. Just a 20 year old youngster..

As for the event itself; Tommy propably being his lethal force-self, even back then. One can just wonder.

I can't remember. Were those men sent by Sonny? I believed that Sonny had sent Tommy to kill a single man, when he was actually well protected by guards (and as such, they overpowered a Tommy who hadn't prepared for such a force). At least, that's what I understood from the dialogue at the final mission.

For me, Tommy might have used the sense of fear (mission: shakedown), like he'd actually pick up a meat cleaver as his only weapon of choice, sneak up and take out the nearest guy in his proximity, chop his head off and roll it to the pack of retreating goons.


Imagine seeing your fellow crew's head rolling up to you out of nowhere and hearing Tommy shout, ''Next, its you assholes pricks'' from the other end of the street. A quick firefight to disable the goons and then hack fest to finish them off.

  • 2 weeks later...

I can imagine an epic gun fight where Tommy didn't kill them but rendered them defenceless before hacking them up with a meat cleaver or grounding them into paste with a baseball bat, screaming and swearing at the top of his lungs as he does it, and then the police showing up and arresting him just as he finishes the last goon off.


I imagine it taking place behind the car crusher. He tries to sneak up on the target and kills him but several other mobsters show up and he came in armed, so he shot his way through them and got captured by police when trying to escape.

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