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Need help for new biker gang! (Xbox 360)

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This is not a recruitment post!

I am creating a new biker gang unlike any other gta online biker crew you've ever seen. It will be with crotch rockets / sports bikes only. I don't have a name yet is this isn't the full recruitment post, but I need 4 legit, mature, 17+ players to join me and the creation of this biker gang. I have a bunch of ideas I'm writing down and I want more people to help me come up with some ideas and we can do a vote on the final say so, so this crew starts out just right. This won't be a fighting type crew at first, we will just do bike shows, competitions, and daily rides. We will eventually get enough people in the crew where we can add some terrorizing of los Santos to our to do list. If interested in helping me start this just comment below or message me on xbl @ Kaiser Epicity

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