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Best Fully Upgraded Cars In Each Class?

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Captain Revenge

I have had nearly every car in the Muscle class, fully upgraded them all. Solo race tested them, I have found that the even though the Dominator was fun to drive, it drifted way too much taking corners. I stayed with the Gauntlet, still fun to drive but not so much slide in the turn. With 34 million i can get any car and fully upgrade it, and have for a lot of vehicles in this game. I have personal races where i put the vehicle to the test, if it passes i keep it. 20 later, i'm full :santa:


I have raced my fully upgraded Adder versus a fully upgraded Zentorno, passed it 3 times and 3 times they spun me out catching up.


Off Road, the Bifta buggy. It was free at one point, part of the Beach Bum package, it is a fast zippy little car. Personally it only comes out for missions, crew sessions, races and joy riding, not much in the way of defense against idiots shooting at U.


I think the Jester is the fastest Sport, its not rocket science to race a race solo with one car, then another and compare your times, or swerve at high speed to see how much forgiveness is in your steering control.


Motorcycle, i have had the Bati (whatever), the Akuma and the Double T alll fully upgraded. I still have the Double T.


I have 2 fully upgraded Sports Classics, which do not compare to each other, the Roosevelt and the Coquette Classic hard top.


The Ballers are nice, had 1. Had a BJ too (lol). But I like the Enus Huntley, hunley (WE), fast and 4 door.


Don't currently have any Coupes or Sedans, had F620 and Ocelot, and Lampandati Felon at 1 point, all were good.



Toasted cheese is close, but wrong.



  1. Zentorno
  2. Entity/Turismo
  3. Infernus


  1. Elegy RH8
  2. Massacro/Feltzer
  3. Jester


  1. Zion
  2. Felon
  3. Exemplar


  1. Z-Type
  2. Pigalle
  3. Coquette Classic


  1. Sanchez
  2. Bifta
  3. Dunebuggy


  1. Dominator
  2. Dukes/Blade
  3. Ruiner


  1. Schafter
  2. Tailgater
  3. Fugitive


  1. Huntley S
  2. Baller II/Radius
  3. Rocoto


  1. Rhapsody
  2. Panto
  3. Blista/Issi


  1. Bison
  2. Youga
  3. Paradise

(The Speedo is good if you mod it using a save editor but it's not legit)



  1. Sadler
  2. Faggio
  3. Caddy


  1. Bati
  2. Akuma
  3. Hakuchou
Edited by reform


Toasted cheese is close, but wrong.



  • Zentorno
  • Entity/Turismo
  • Infernus
  • Elegy RH8
  • Massacro/Feltzer
  • Jester
  • Zion
  • Felon
  • Exemplar
  • Z-Type
  • Pigalle
  • Coquette Classic
  • Sanchez
  • Bifta
  • Dunebuggy
  • Dominator
  • Dukes/Blade
  • Ruiner
  • Schafter
  • Tailgater
  • Fugitive
  • Huntley S
  • Baller II/Radius
  • Rocoto
  • Rhapsody
  • Panto
  • Blista/Issi
  • Bison
  • Youga
  • Paradise
(The Speedo is good if you mod it using a save editor but it's not legit)



  • Sadler
  • Faggio
  • Caddy
  • Bati
  • Akuma
  • Hakuchou
Pretty much this. Def Schafter for sedan and Zion (hardtop) for coupes. And it's good to see the radius get some much deserved credit in SUV class. Not quite as fast as Huntley but definitely a lot cheaper in a rarely used racing class

They are the same cars , just with liverys , stats are the exact same as the normal version , so its almost 100k more expensive for the same car with some stickers on it

According to social club/LSC stat bars, both race versions have better performance than standard versions, but according to pre-race stat bars, both Massacros are the same, but the Race Jester has better performance than the standard Jester.


First hand experience with both cars, the Race Jester is definitely quicker than the standard Jester, and the Massacro, while feeling a bit lighter than the standard Massacro, still gets similar times to the standard Massacro.

What are the best fully upgraded cars in each class. So far, I believe the Ruiner is the best muscle and Zentorno is the best super.


Am I wrong? What are the bests?

"Best" is subjective to an individual player's likes/dislikes. What you believe is the "best" someone else will disagree with. Perhaps, better worded, "What are your favorite vehicles in each class and why?"


With that being said, I agree with you. The Ruiner is a great car when fully modded and, in my opinion and experience can beat any other muscle car in a race. I also prefer the Zentorno to any other super car and find I can easily defeat modded Adders in races with it.


Interesting, you asked for "each class" but only listed two. He's my complete list


Super - Pegassi Zentorno 2nd Place - (tied) Overflod Entity and Vsapid Bullet

Sports - Ubermacht Sentinel 2nd place - Schyster Fusilade (both cars lost significant value and desire when they went from rare to being able to buy

Sports Classic - Albany Manana (hardtop) 2nd place - Grotti Stinger GT

Coupes - Ocelot F620 2nd place - Ocelot Jackal

Muscle - Imponte Ruiner 2nd place - Vapid Dominator

Sedan - Chariot Romero Hearse

Compact - Benefactor Panto

SUV - Benefactor Dubstra

Off Road - Sandking SWB Second place - (tied) Bravado Duneloader (empty bed) Canis Mesa (Merryweather)

Motorcycle - Pegassi Bati 801 Second place LCC Inovation

I only listed two because I knew those had to be the ones, unless someone knew something more. I have pulled away with the Ruiner in races and didnt with any other muscle, they were always able to catch my slip.


And even if the Zentorno isnt the fastest super, it just feels like it to me. The Adder feels slower, the Entity is definitely a close second and the Turismo sucks.


I just asked for every class because I have a buddy who races every class and so I needed at least one car for each. I just need a Sport Classic and thats either the Coquette Classic or the Z Type apparently.


But my list would be:


Super - Zentorno

Sports - Jester

Muscle - Ruiner

Compact - Prairie

Coupe - Exemplar

Sedan - Tailgator

SUV - Huntley S

Off Road - Brita

Motorcycle - Bati 801

Utility - Sadler

I only listed two because I knew those had to be the ones, unless someone knew something more. I have pulled away with the Ruiner in races and didnt with any other muscle, they were always able to catch my slip.


And even if the Zentorno isnt the fastest super, it just feels like it to me. The Adder feels slower, the Entity is definitely a close second and the Turismo sucks.


I just asked for every class because I have a buddy who races every class and so I needed at least one car for each. I just need a Sport Classic and thats either the Coquette Classic or the Z Type apparently.


But my list would be:


Super - Zentorno

Sports - Jester

Muscle - Ruiner

Compact - Prairie

Coupe - Exemplar

Sedan - Tailgator

SUV - Huntley S

Off Road - Brita

Motorcycle - Bati 801

Utility - Sadler

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