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I'm hosting a car show at 9:00 pm EST. We DO NOT require mics, but they would be MUCH appreciated. Messaging doesn't seem to be

too responsive for me on PS4 so the best way to get a hold of me during the car show without a mic would be direct messaging me on my

GTA phone. Like I said before, we will park up, show cars off, have a good time, maybe cruise if you guys want to. Then, we drag race!

Everyone's favorite part. So, if you know for sure you will have some time to head up to this event, send me a friend request @





1) Link up at the Observatory, park up, chill a bit and hang out.

2) Drifting at the observatory if you guys want

3) Cruise over to the airport

4) Drag races!





1) Thou shalt not bringith thy Super car.

2) You are not required to go into passive mode, as that will make others car's harder to see.



5) When we drag race, we will be communicating (counting down the races) through the mic, so if you can't hear us, make note of it and let me know.

6) If stancing your vehicle, take it a safe distance away, as if it blows up, we blow up.

7) Double clutching is welcome if you have the know-how

8) I won't put the obligatory 'Have fun' because that goes without saying!





Let's have a good Saturday, guys. See you there.

Edited by EnclaveSGT
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Guys I will be uploading the Car Meet photos to my Photography thread in my description! Check 'em out! Thanks for coming out tonight, fellas!


If I set up another car meet, would you guys rather me make a new thread or post in this one? I know people aren't on PSN half the time so this would be the best place.

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