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Best gun selection! READ

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Im a huge gun fanatic in gta I love to experiment with every gun and compare. From my DAYS of rest runs with every gun in the game, I've found for the best gta online experience the best guns available as primaries to lay your opponent down are the advanced rifle, assault shotgun, marksman rifle, and RPG. Here's the breakdown. These guns can all be used suppressed or regular because they all have the firepower to put you're opponent down effectively with or without silencers.


First let's start off with the advanced rifle. This is the gun that makes your opponent wonder "what kind of gun is he using"... a lightning firing rate, with takedown damage, and a little tip I figured out that the stats of the gun don't reveal is that it actually locks on up to the same range of a combat MG. the farthest range of any assault rifle. (The stats do not comply with this but it is true) ..


the assault shotgun is as we all know the most OVERPOWERED gun in the game. There is a new heavy shotgun available but it is ONLY for ground unit takedown. The assault shotgun is still the better all purpose weapon for enemies in vehicles who come to close. Try and use the new shotgun on a bypassing target compared to the assault shotgun you will see why you should prefer the assault over the heavy shotgun in more situations.


The marksman rifle is the newest pro sniper tool available. The best feature of this weapon is the ability to move and dodge fire while aiming down the scope and firing. Try holding X while aiming and moving side to side to strafe quickly while aiming and shooting. If your a decent sniper it shouldn't be a problem to move and shoot at the same time. However if you don't have the coordination for this. Stick with the heavy sniper. The fast firing rate of this weapon should deliver accurate and powerful rounds to your target and ensure 2-3 shot kills in the upper body.


Finally the RPG... this is my FAVORITE multi purpose weapon!!! While others use it for vehicular explosion. I use it primarily for killing CAMPERS... they don't only exist in COD. If you encounter an opponent.. (which you will) that likes to hide behind corners in combat and waste your time. Use this weapon. Hit any corner within radius of where their hiding and they are dead before they can react. This weapon is also the weapon of choice when your positioned higher then your target such as on rooftops. A quick aim and fire from the roof and doubling back before you're target gets to fire back at you I'd the smartest way to deal death in those situations.


Thanks for reading

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You have to let go of the right stick (aiming) to press X/A to "combat jog". You can see why this isn't so great. I hope.


Good tips though, I prefer the carbine over the advanced, purely for cosmetic reasons. Advanced looks too much like an airsoft toy to me. Each to their own. (I know, plenty of modern guns look "toy"ey)

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I get what your saying I prefer bigger guns they make a statement more then smaller guns even if they are more powerful. But when it comes down to it I prefer to win at all costs.


Also I do know that you have to release the aiming stick to combat jog however you can strafe left and right to confuse your opponent before you begin to aim and fire. Which is smarter then standing still with something such as the heavy sniper

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I get what your saying I prefer bigger guns they make a statement more then smaller guns even if they are more powerful. But when it comes down to it I prefer to win at all costs.


Also I do know that you have to release the aiming stick to combat jog however you can strafe left and right to confuse your opponent before you begin to aim and fire. Which is smarter then standing still with something such as the heavy sniper


I see your point about strafing, but my tactic of killing strafers, or zig zaggers, is to hold my aim in the middle of their path, and fire when the two meet. It's also the best way to kill someone in free aim who is charging you with a knife. Surprising how often this happens, I guess the knife charger assumes free aim will protect him somewhat. 21 feet rule also applies. < not really lol. You can also try and smack em with the butt of your gun but the charger usually has the advantage due to how the internet works.


Not dogging on you or your tactics, I actually like discussing this aspect of the game.

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last time I checked, 500 rounds per minute was a "lightning fire rate" back in World War I...

The advanced rifle nontheless is a great weapon to use though


To be fair on the game, all the assault rifles have slow fire rate. The sound doesn't even match up with the shots! Exception being the first shot.


I guess it's because if they really fired at real life rates, people would drop down in half a second, and you'd be forever reloading.


Maybe it's a technical issue with the engine too? It just can't handle that fast a fire rate?


Not sure, but the AR's in this game are very slow compared to IRL.



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That's true the advanced rifle drops people fast when you aim at the chest, but the sound of the gun makes it sound like it fires slower then the AK when in all reality it doesn't


I suppose another explanation would be balance, the advanced fires fast but less damaging rounds? The Carbine fires slower, more damaging rounds?


I really don't know, funmw2 posted gun stats from the games code a long time ago and I really can't remember what myths it busted or proved.


Most likely balance though, all things considered. (Regarding fire rate)


Edit: This doesn't explain why the sounds don't match up with the shots though, just one of those things they couldn't be bothered to fix, or maybe nobody who tested the game pre-release noticed it? Yeah I know, like they test games these days pre-release. Unless they sell you a permit to test it. Lol.

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