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Where is it? [Game, v3]

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Where is it?


How to play:

It is played like this: Someone posts a picture of a spot anywhere in the state of San Andreas with the radar hidden or censored. People may then guess where it is located. If someome has it correct, it is their turn to post a picture.



NO off-topic or spamming

NO dirty talk or insulting

● If someone guesses it correct, and doesn't post a new picture in 24 hours, someone or myself will take over.

● Please download a picture, and re-upload it so people can't see the location name on the website/picture. imgur is preferred.

● Do NOT post an image of the ocean without anything else. That's just lame.



Android 12

JeffersonCJ 1

Simon L. Lezin 1


Where is this?


Edited by HeroBrineR007
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No, wrong city :D

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I would have liked a bit of a more specific answer, but yes. Correct.

Your turn.

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Looks like it's in LV, maybe it's near the building from that mission "The Meat Business"

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