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Killing New Gen Passive mode users

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Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole. This is more specifically for kill bitch ass douchebags that abuse the new passive mode. Generally when you catch a passive abuser they will activate it when you get in killing range. This thread is for what to do when you catch them or if they're following you.


Confirmed method of killing a player on foot:


Ghost ride the whip aka GTA bowling!





Methods of killing players in a vehicle:


Drive a Tractor Trailer into them:




Get a wanted level, the higher the better, and enter the vehicle as a passenger. The wanted level will transfer forcing them out of passive to defend, or run.


Drop a tank on their vehicle from a cargobob. (needs testing) An unoccupied tank will not pass through a passive user. I'm doubtful the tank will cause an instant explosion but it might be worth a try


Lead them to a gas station and explode a gas pump beside them. (needs tested) gas pumps have been used to avoid insurance liability, when they explode they are not tied to a players actions. This may work but they would have to be following you to accomplish the kill.


Chaining vehicle explosions. (needs testing) Just like the insurance liability with a gas pump is subjective so is daisy chaining npc vehicle explosions. Tie 3 or 4 together in a chain reaction and you may just be able to kill a passive abuse in or out of their car.





Please share any experience you have in this matter.

Edited by stonedpimpso
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At least give me credit when you're posting my video. Act of politeness.


I tried to do that to someone before. My Adder still went right through them.

I guess you jumped out too late. Edited by Nordniedersachse

At least give me credit when you're posting my video. Act of politeness.


I tried to do that to someone before. My Adder still went right through them.

I guess you jumped out too late.


Its because this only works when they are in the glitched passive mode

I have developed an method where you can rape players in passive mode. I simply quote myself from an another thread.




I have a new funny method to annoy players so much that they will kick you.


Enter passive mode, then find the largest semi-trailer truck in the game (found near the docks with the ships), and a trailer for it (not a fuel trailer). Now find some players and ram them with the semi-trailer, the funny thing is that your trailer which your are dragging with the semi-trailer truck is not transparent, and it can kill players on foot or cause PV to explode if the vehicle get stuck between the semi-trailer truck and the trailer.


Players will try to destroy your trailer since it is not invincible, but it is now the funny part begin, this trailer have very low weigh and can easily be pushed very far and quickly with the strongest semi-trailer truck in the game. You will now use the trailer as a "ball" that you crash into and it will blaze into obstacles such as players or their PV.


If this trailer gets lost, then just use NPC vehicles as an "ball", and crash into those to make them blaze into players on foot or into their PV. They will get killed if they get hit, but you won't get the kills, so you will never exit the passive mode, and will therefore stay invincible.


I did this now, and killed some players and caused few vehicles to explode. They go so angry that they did send me an bad message, but I did continue, and later I got kicked from the session.


This glitch was very funny. I think I will do more of this tomorrow and maybe upload a video.


Edit: Corrected some words.


Here is the result of doing the above thing;




Best of you use this version, which is the fastest and the strongest semi-trailer in GTAO:






Edited by PalmIsland!



At least give me credit when you're posting my video. Act of politeness.


I tried to do that to someone before. My Adder still went right through them.

I guess you jumped out too late.


Its because this only works when they are in the glitched passive modeNo, it also works when players are ghosts, which means their passive mode is not glitched. Watch the video if you don't believe me. Edited by Nordniedersachse
Brazilian Mermaid

I only go passive when I want to take photos, and today I had some noobs trying to kill me while I was in passive mode, they tried explosives and all, but one of them had cops behind him and for some reason the cops went after me too, I don't know why. But I got my tank and killed that guy until he went passive too. I mean why try to kill someone who is just being harmless, he deserved it.

At least give me credit when you're posting my video. Act of politeness.


I tried to do that to someone before. My Adder still went right through them.

I guess you jumped out too late.


my bad. good find bro appreviate the help



At least give me credit when you're posting my video. Act of politeness.


I tried to do that to someone before. My Adder still went right through them.

I guess you jumped out too late.


my bad. good find bro appreviate the helpThanks, but I'm not the discoverer of the method. I was just recording and posting it to show that guy in the other thread that the game said I was the one who killed him (the player in the video) and not "Player X died". Edited by Nordniedersachse
Brazilian Mermaid

yea i been doing this ever since i found out about it. wana go in passive mode and be a pussy bitch? okay i will kill you for 8 hours straight untill they f*cking leave


pussy mode ruined this game


My tank likes feeding of stupid people like you


if people wanna go passive let them, it's their choice


I'd rather have friendly (passive) and PVP lobbies, but as we don't have that, R* has to make it enjoyable for everyone

Edited by BrazilianGirl

yea i been doing this ever since i found out about it. wana go in passive mode and be a pussy bitch? okay i will kill you for 8 hours straight untill they f*cking leave


pussy mode ruined this game


Passive mode should have never been put in this game

Brazilian Mermaid


yea i been doing this ever since i found out about it. wana go in passive mode and be a pussy bitch? okay i will kill you for 8 hours straight untill they f*cking leave


pussy mode ruined this game


Passive mode should have never been put in this game



Let me spam kill you with my tank, I'm sure you'll take that back

yea i been doing this ever since i found out about it. wana go in passive mode and be a pussy bitch? okay i will kill you for 8 hours straight untill they f*cking leave


pussy mode ruined this game

People like you deserve to be in permanent Bad Sport...

Agree with most that passive has been used as a Troll tool from the beginning. R* screwed up by making it an even better troll tool now, but.....


I've stopped killing the little sneaks, after almost 500 notches in my console its no fun anymore..


I decided it's easier to just join in the fun :evilgrin:


yea i been doing this ever since i found out about it. wana go in passive mode and be a pussy bitch? okay i will kill you for 8 hours straight untill they f*cking leave


pussy mode ruined this game

That's an awful lot edges you have there.

  • Like 3



Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole.


You mean true. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.

  • Like 2



Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole.


You mean true. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.


False, killing azzholes does not make you one, and since launch the majority of the people in passive are azzhole griefers!






Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole.

You mean true. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.


False, killing azzholes does not make you one, and since launch the majority of the people in passive are azzhole griefers!

True, because you're generalising, and even in the case that majority are assholes, that implies that some aren't.


Next one please!





Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole.

You mean true. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.


False, killing azzholes does not make you one, and since launch the majority of the people in passive are azzhole griefers!Nope. I go into passive mode because I'm not a K/D-whoring freemode warrior. I mind my business, and I let other people mind their own. I'm mainly a racer also, so there's that too... Freemode is my pitstop. Nice try though.


Lots people go passive because of jerks that camp outside LSC, storm stores when they shop, or want to take an awesome photo without being killed, plenty of reasons... If you take a passive player flipping you off on top of a buolding as trolling, you got mad problems. Suck it up and kill the next person for f*cks sake.

Edited by SirMichaelRocks23





Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole.

You mean true. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.


False, killing azzholes does not make you one, and since launch the majority of the people in passive are azzhole griefers!

Nope. I go into passive mode because I'm not a K/D-whoring freemode warrior. I mind my business, and I let other people mind their own. I'm mainly a racer also, so there's that too... Freemode is my pitstop.



Your an exception, as I said the majority are low life griefers.


If you were one of my 486 victims, well you were collateral damage, blame the trolls!


If your just passing through free roam on your way to a race why not use Invite only?




Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole.


You mean true. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.


False, killing azzholes does not make you one, and since launch the majority of the people in passive are azzhole griefers!


since your post provides ample evidence of your "s" button being perfectly intact, i must assume your spelling of the word "azzhole"(sic) is either a failed attempt at appearing cool or at emulating ebonics. whatever it is, it looks silly. and silly thou shalt feel.

  • Like 1
Misanthrope Z






Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole.

You mean true. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.


False, killing azzholes does not make you one, and since launch the majority of the people in passive are azzhole griefers!

Nope. I go into passive mode because I'm not a K/D-whoring freemode warrior. I mind my business, and I let other people mind their own. I'm mainly a racer also, so there's that too... Freemode is my pitstop.



Your an exception, as I said the majority are low life griefers.


If you were one of my 486 victims, well you were collateral damage, blame the trolls!


If your just passing through free roam on your way to a race why not use Invite only?


i'm gonna just assume you go after anyone just for being in passive


if that's the case, you're no better than the so-called "trolls" you're killing

  • Like 2





Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole.


You mean true. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.


False, killing azzholes does not make you one, and since launch the majority of the people in passive are azzhole griefers!


since your post provides ample evidence of your "s" button being perfectly intact, i must assume your spelling of the word "azzhole"(sic) is either a failed attempt at appearing cool or at emulating ebonics. whatever it is, it looks silly. and silly thou shalt feel.


or maybe it's just an attempt to avoid censorship??? so shut the F*ck up! :lol:

Edited by jcph3









Let me preface this by saying you should not go out of your way to hunt down anyone and everyone that is passive. That makes you an asshole.

You mean true. Even Stevie Wonder can see it.


False, killing azzholes does not make you one, and since launch the majority of the people in passive are azzhole griefers!
Nope. I go into passive mode because I'm not a K/D-whoring freemode warrior. I mind my business, and I let other people mind their own. I'm mainly a racer also, so there's that too... Freemode is my pitstop.



Your an exception, as I said the majority are low life griefers.


If you were one of my 486 victims, well you were collateral damage, blame the trolls!


If your just passing through free roam on your way to a race why not use Invite only?

Funny that you mentioned Invite-Only, because I've been exclusively using that lately, although not to hide from griefers. I use it because I can pop from race or any job to freemode faster without dealing with a long loading screen. It's usually between a 10-20 second transition, so I'll be sticking with I-O until server kinks get sorted out.


Also, my new character is lever 34, so if I do run into you, I'm a free kill. I lost my touch with shooting guns on the XB1 :p


My bad though.. I came the wrong foot, very hypocritically also. I admit to have killed passive players on last-gen, although mostly for personal reasons such as the guy being a jet pilot, passive crate snatcher, tank whore, or just testing out a method like the good 'ol chopper blades. Haha

Edited by SirMichaelRocks23

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