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Which is your favorite gang(s) in the series?

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American Viking

Despite R* best efforts to shove The Families down our throats, I've never been particularly fond of them. So it got me to thinking about which gangs I do like and why i like them. So without further ado...




The Leone Family - A gang clearly based on the Corleone Family from the Godfather trilogy, I'd have to say these guys were my favorite Mafia family of the entire 3D era. I have so many fond memories of watching them destroy the Diablos. The slick black suits and Mafia Sentinels really hit it home.


The Yakuza - Basically the equivalent of the Leones except these guys are Japanese Organized Crime. They were also some of the best equipped gangsters in the game. I can only hope they bring them into the HD era.


GTA: San Andreas


Los Santos Vagos - The second toughest gang in the game at the beginning, it was always a blast packing up CJ and some of the homeys for a little drive by action on their turf.


Varrios Los Aztecas - Cool gang name, Cesar Vialpando, great gang color, and lowriders...what more needs to be said.


Mountain Cloud Boys - One of the 3 Triad gangs in San Fierro and led by Wu Zi Mu, these guys help and are helped by CJ alot during the campaign. Wu Zi Mu also gives CJ a share in The Four Dragons Casino.




McReary Crime Family - You can find these guys hanging out in Purgatory and around Broker dressed in green clothing. They have no influence in the story but were always willing to help Niko put a beat down on someone if need be.


The Lost MC - Who don't love The Lost? I didn't pay no attention to them until TLAD DLC. Whole new appreciation.


Angels of Death








Marabunta Grande - I remember going into their neighborhood the first time I played V and punching one of them. The whole neighborhood attacked me. I knocked out 2 of em before they brought out the guns. Good times.


O'Neil Brothers - Walton, Wynne, Ernie, Earl, Dale, Doyle, Daryl, Dan, Ned, Cleetus, Dalton, and Don. Mainly due to a few laughs and getting to torch their meth lab was the pinnacle of Trevor's screen time.



Edited by American Alpha
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