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Bounty Courtesy

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When I play and a bounty pops up, I head straight to it, as most do.

BUT I always try to not damage thier vehicles body, and unless im with friends, I usually give half to the victim. I was wondering if im alone or if others do the same.

Edited by Knife Deity
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When I play and a bounty pops up, I head straight to it, as most do.

BUT I always try to not damage thier vehicles body, and unless im with friends, I usually give half to the victim. I was wondering if im alone or if others do the same.

No. Why should I? I earned it. Tell me, how often does someone take your bounty and share the cash with you?
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When I play and a bounty pops up, I head straight to it, as most do.

BUT I always try to not damage thier vehicles body, and unless im with friends, I usually give half to the victim. I was wondering if im alone or if others do the same.

No. Why should I? I earned it. Tell me, how often does someone take your bounty and share the cash with you?


Never, but thats not the point. I dont like spontanious killing.

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When I play and a bounty pops up, I head straight to it, as most do.

BUT I always try to not damage thier vehicles body, and unless im with friends, I usually give half to the victim. I was wondering if im alone or if others do the same.

No. Why should I? I earned it. Tell me, how often does someone take your bounty and share the cash with you?


Never, but thats not the point. I dont like spontanious killing.Well then, that settles it... Good for you.
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When I play and a bounty pops up, I head straight to it, as most do.

BUT I always try to not damage thier vehicles body, and unless im with friends, I usually give half to the victim. I was wondering if im alone or if others do the same.

No. Why should I? I earned it. Tell me, how often does someone take your bounty and share the cash with you?


Never, but thats not the point. I dont like spontanious killing.
Well then, that settles it... Good for you.


Is that a sarcastic "good for you, idiot" or a genuine thanks for not being a scumbag?

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Depends on how much of a pain in my ass they were. If they caused me a headache, they can kiss both sides of my ass. If it was a low level/easy kill I give them 50-60%. If they're hiding in their apartment, I text them a promise of 50% of the bounty if they come out and make it quick on both of us.

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I often use Buzzard and sometimes off radar because so many like to use stickys, leave game, teleport or use godmode or hide inside map with a minigun.


Its more fun to use regular guns but its often a failure with the heavy artillery available in GTA V. If I go by car I try to shoot them rather then blow them up but its hard since most use stickys and the car thend to blow up anyway if its a super with bulletproof behind and you chase after them while shooting.


Sometimes I give them half or all money. Mostly if they either put up a good fight or if they just got a NPC bounty while stealing a truck to cruise around in.

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I often use Buzzard and sometimes off radar because so many like to use stickys, leave game, teleport or use godmode or hide inside map with a minigun.


Its more fun to use regular guns but its often a failure with the heavy artillery available in GTA V. If I go by car I try to shoot them rather then blow them up but its hard since most use stickys and the car thend to blow up anyway if its a super with bulletproof behind and you chase after them while shooting.


Sometimes I give them half or all money. Mostly if they either put up a good fight or if they just got a NPC bounty while stealing a truck to cruise around in.

I feel you, because im a dedicated jet pilot 70% of the time. I will definetly give 50% unless theyre griefers. Upon which they will receive hellfire and brimstone.

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They die. By any means necessary. The money is 100% mine. And I always go after them. It's one of my main things to do and has been from day one. I like it best when they hide in their apartment and fall for the old 'ring the bell then quickly walk a short distance away from the door so that they can't buzz me in but walk outside instead' trick. Bounty get!

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They die. By any means necessary. The money is 100% mine. And I always go after them. It's one of my main things to do and has been from day one. I like it best when they hide in their apartment and fall for the old 'ring the bell then quickly walk a short distance away from the door so that they can't buzz me in but walk outside instead' trick. Bounty get!

I've never seen someone so obsessed with 1,000 dollar bounties. This must be one of those #JustBrokePeopleThings.

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I don't kill bounties even if they're standing next to me.


But yo, you challenge me to an impromptu race, golf or tennis? I'm going HAM on your arse. I don't kill, but I don't lose either, you punk.

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Can't say I have ever done this, I see it as a main premise to takeaway from the boredom of an dead free roam session. Don't get me wrong, I'm no pro griefer, but you get that itch from time to time... Bounties give you a starting point, and it always comes to me with remorse as the last thing on mymind

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i try to get every bounty by any means, destroying their car is just part of the job.


evenknow it was better when you had to pay your insurance if your PV got destroyed while you had a bounty.


i normally share the bounty money, i give 10% to the player and share 5% with every player on the lobby.


i reach the "sharing limit" everyday!

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They die. By any means necessary. The money is 100% mine. And I always go after them. It's one of my main things to do and has been from day one. I like it best when they hide in their apartment and fall for the old 'ring the bell then quickly walk a short distance away from the door so that they can't buzz me in but walk outside instead' trick. Bounty get!


I've never seen someone so obsessed with 1,000 dollar bounties. This must be one of those #JustBrokePeopleThings.Fyi, one account has 50 million and the other one has 70 million. It's not about the money. It's about playing the game.
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Ohtar imladris

I love to kill people with bounty i got 20 mill and its not for de money, well a little bit maybe. I try to kill easy and fast and only one time i dont wanna lose money in stupid proud battles, shot on the head in the car and go, i easilly take 300-400 bountys at this time, but when its difficult and blow my car, i take my bounty no matter why... I love the buzzard for killing too my best kill was when a bounty was robbery on a grocery i fire with the buzzard miniguns and kill it inside that was funny or when i shoot a gas tank wile persecution for kill the bounty that was totally holliwood movie

Edited by Ohtar imladris
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I chase after bounties based on my mood and the rank of the player who has the bounty on their head. If they're level 200+ I don't bother (though I have killed a couple of uber high-level player bounties in opportunist fashion - seeing them inside a store / LSC with their guard down for example - and the amount of butthurt sent my way is often off the scale :D ).


I keep any bounty money I earn, unless a player has given me a good chase and was hard to kill. If the hunt was a challenge, or was actually pretty good fun, I'll give them 50% and send a message along the lines of 'well played / awesome chase / nothing personal dude, just a bounty' and hope they're not one of those players who rages hard and makes it their life mission to kill me just because I had the audacity to challenge and better them ONCE in FR.


Actually, on the topic of bounties... I used to love evading them by riding on the train but people don't seem to react to bounties as much as they used to so it gets boring. Also, Jet trolls spamming missiles and explosive rounds completely ruins the fun of running from other players in FR for me.

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I've been doing this a bit lately because it's the holidays and I'm trying not to be as much the complete ahole that I usually am on this game.


If someone makes it easy - wham bam, on to the next one - then I usually share 25-50% of the money, with 50% being for low levels.


If you do something douchey, like challenge me to a one-on-one, which I could not give less a F about, then you may not get anything.


If you make me chase you around the entire map (I'm lazy and could just as well be selling the chrome/gold Dubstas and not wasting a bit of ammo), then you get zip.


Also, I couldn't care less about the cars - I'll put a bounty on someone so I can wreck their PV without having to pay insurance or BS. People are way too sensitive about their virtual cars in this game, which are replaced in two seconds with a virtual phone call or two.

Edited by smokingndriving
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