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Will this game ever have checkpoints?

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You know that one skating game that allows you to set a checkpoint and whenever you crash or whatever, you get to press a button and it brings you back to the checkpoint?


Do you think this would be a good idea? (Besides having some PVP abusers)


Imagine scaling the big mountain and having checkpoints there for skydiving or going downhill with your vehicle.

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Makes about as much sense as a milk grater.


If you want the ability to be spawn killed with no way of stopping it, other than offing your console, then that's up to you. Personally, I like the fact that you don't know the exact spot I'm going to respawn after I die.

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Makes about as much sense as a milk grater.

Well if you leave your milk in the fridge long enough......



...it makes even less sense to grate it!

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Do you have any idea how this could be abused? People can place a checkpoint right in Zancudo and get jets after the jet have been destroyed.Or camp tank spawns,Simeon's garage,LSC and rooftops.


But I would be fine with it.

By the way,isn't spoiled milk supposed to turn into cheese?

Edited by Vehicles
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spoiled milk would be more like cottage cheese or sour cream depending on what you want to do with it. but really though i see no reason to have it. as stated above it would be a bit easy to abuse this kind of feature IMO. it would basicly be like a teleport type of thing. if your switching sessions then go to that place you want to spawn at and set your options to last location and switch.

Edited by 8up local

What? Why is everybody thinking of this PVP-wise?


I'm not really a pvp'er, I like to mess around with my friends. I like to jump off buildings and roll down mountains but the time it takes to come back to the exact point gets tedious.


Make sense? I guess I worded it very poorly.

No you just think we are tearing it to shreds. If switching sessions last location works just as your asking, if you die you respawn near fhat place anyway. As for abuse there are some people who pvp and would abuse it like wall glitchers. Nothing wrong with the idea really, but it would be too easy to take advantage of IMO.

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