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Looking to Get the Grim Reaper Tattoo

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I am fairly new to the forums. I havent posted much, but I wanted to see if anyone was interested in a "mission".


Id like to get the Grim Reaper tat and to do so you have to take out 5 Gangs in one day. I try this but griefas interupt me or as of late the coolest thing to do apparently is fire upon everyone from a fighter jet. Kinda cowardly to me but if that makes them feel awesome so be it!


I was wondering if a group of us want to plan this out maybe join my crew (of 1 lol) or id be willing to join up. Maybe meet up, strategically plan each location and go for it.


Anyone interested? I can prob do this after 8pm est. feel free to chime in....thanks.

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I got an armored police SWAT truck and went around and took out many gang hideouts, without getting out of the truck. I'd back into them and start shooting. It takes a little longer, but was fun for me. If your armored truck gets a flat tire, just drive back and exchange it for another. Cops don't mind the exchange.

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