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Achievement Issue..

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OK, so I played gta 5 on 360.. I had unlocked all the online achievements..


I bought an Xbox One, got gta 5, transferred my character and instantly unlocked most achievements.. (which I thought all online related achievements would) Since the server knows I had done them..

But my issue is, the Co-Driver (back seat driver) achievement hasn't popped!

So I went in a race with a few friends.. Set it to rally mode.. The race was fixed so I would win, just to pop the achievement..

well I won the race and it still hasn't popped!


Why hasn't it popped? will I get this automatically if there is an issue, and it gets fixed?


Seems no games these days don't work that well (do the challenges and they don't pop.. WTF!?)


There was an issue similar to this on ghosts, some achievements would not pop if they were done on 360 is this the case here?



Any ideas of a fix?


Thanks for looking..

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It's not the only achievement with an issue currently as I had to file for Proud Gun Owner

as had only the minigun to get so when I reached Level 120 it didn't give the platinum RP.


According to R* you have to have bought all the guns on the same platform to get the

award and I suspect the same here for Rally wins.

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Is the character you're playing on in slot 1 or 2? Because if it's in slot 2 that may be the issue. If it is in slot 2, make a new one in slot 1 and play through the tutorial and it should pop.

Yes my character glitched somehow and ended up in the second slot lol, I might just make a fresh one and just go online straight into a rally race and do it that way lol

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