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Ambient music playing around Davis & Strawberry

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So I asked this 5 minutes ago and for some reason the topic locked when I asked about ripping when I simply repeated what another user said on a different topic a couple months back because I can't seem to find it anywhere as most OST songs such as the menu theme were ripped onto YT,

I have NO intention of ripping copyrighted songs, I just wanna know what song it is

Anyone know what song it is, how to find it anywhere?

Apologies to Zaibatsu btw

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If the topic is locked, it was so for a reason.


Why are you apologizing to the Z?

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The thread was locked because discussions about ripped content is not allowed here, as you can see in the forum rules.


  • No Ripping Stealing or plagiarising other people's work and claiming it as your own; such as game mods, images or written content

Do feel free to ask for the name of the song in one of the established music threads, like the GTA V Music Database.


Also, next time you have a question as to why a thread of yours is locked or gone, PM one of the forum leaders that are listed on the right bottom of every section.

Edited by Andreas
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