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Fastest way to level up?

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There's a last team standing map which if you search I'm sure you will find on social club needs about ten players to join keep offering it and in no time you will have 8 or ten players , it's called bumper bats and I've had such a laugh playing it tonight , was set to play five rounds and at end I'd made 63000 dollars and an amazing 22,000 rp , play that 3 or 4 times and you've got a fair few level ups there , game set on top of blocked off bridge and you drive at each other trying to knock them off you also have a baseball bat to beat them to death with if needed , anyway it may not appeal but I would def give it a try , the more player's you get the more points x




Here's link. ..........................................................................................


Edited by bruvs-mcfc
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I'm uploading a RP glitch tomorrow, which lets you get 5000RP within a few mins, it's legit and it's done by racing and beating the world record which is glitched at the moment.

Where can I find it, where is it :O?His money glitch ya make 300 $ per car.

If thats every 48 mins as I suspect then he can keep his rp glitch :(

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