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Which control settings do you use? (PS4/XBONE)

Control settings.  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Which setting do you use for drive-by shooting?

    • Aim + fire (standard, new option)
    • Fire (standard old gen setting)
  2. 2. Which setting do you use for sniper?

    • Allow walking (zoom with directional buttons)
    • Don't allow walking (standard old gen setting)

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One of the first things I did on PS4 was changing the drive-by settings back to what the were on PS3. Those controls worked fine for me, and although I see the positive things about this change, I personally favor the old settings.


I'm not so sure about the new sniper controls. I already accidentally walked of a roof twice now, and I don't like that I have to move my fingers to zoom and/or walk.


I'm thinking of changing those settings back too, and therefore give up the ability to walk while zooming. Mostly because I can't see the great benifit of it, as a sniper you should be in cover or hard to reach anyway.


I'm wondering what your thoughts are about this , please vote and explain yourself in a post.



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I use both of the new control settings. I find the drive by setting helps tremendously with accuracy and walking with the sniper keeps me moving if I need to provide long range support for my team and be mobile at the same time.

Edited by ZeroSafe5615
Is this The Guy?

I changed the drive by back to just fire.


I have to change the sniper back to normal as well but for right now I'm still walking. I keep forgetting abut the walking and zooming and keep falling of the top of buildings

New aim settings sure feel fiddly, its not 100% comfortable. I dont mind using all four fingers when flying but all the time when driving too might yet be a bit much.

Even so it does feel good cruising along aiming at and then shooting mailboxes and roadsigns.

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