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Help me spend my money


74 members have voted

  1. 1. What should I get?

    • Zentorno
    • Buzzard
    • Other car (specify in comment please)
    • Wait for DLC

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So, I have 1.1 million, what should I get?

- Zentorno

It would be useful for races. Is is so much more better than a Turismo R? I have a TR, and most of the time I can keep up with the Zentornos, so I guess having a Z would make everything easier. But it's ugly as f..k..


- Buzzard

Would be useful for missions, but I need to make some more money for it, and I wouldn't really use in free roam.


- Best car from another class

I already have a 9F, and I'm quite happy with that, but I heard that the Carbo or the Massacro are better for sports. And/or a Dominator for muscle?


Or should I just wait for the next DLC and see what that brings?

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might as well title this "Whats your favorite vehicle" considering a majority of people will pick the third option then post whichever car they drive the most...


In all seriousness though, save it man. You never know when something better than the Buzzard or the Zentorno comes out. Just wait it out for now.

Edited by Vishnu1111
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Buzzard, learn to use missles, means destroy a lobby. Destroy all that ugly Zentornos and all that ugly Buzzards.


destroi evrythin wiht buzard


No serously, Buzzard is a got thing to buy. If you really like races get the Zentorno, but if you don't do so many, don't waste money on it

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If you have a Turismo, you can go without a Zent for now. The Zentorno does handle better and is certainly faster, but I'd leave it for now.


If you want the best car in the Muscle class, that'll be the Dominator or the Blade. If you chose the Dominator, you can just steal one off the street. If you want a Blade, you should probably wait for now.


If you want the best Sports, you can go for the Elegy RH8 for free (Generally thought to be the best), Massacro, or Feltzer (both up there with the Elegy, but with opposite strengths and weaknesses. If you go for the latter two, you might as well wait for now.


IMO, get a buzzard. It will pay for itself before you know it, and then you'll be able to get whatever you want whenever you want it, as long as you don't mind playing a few missions now and then.


Or, in case they release something more worthwhile than the Buzzard on the next content update (I doubt it), you could wait for that.

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Save it up. Christmas, New Year, & Valentine's Day are all coming up and hopefully R* will be kind enough to bless us with some new stuff. At the very least you can get yourself a Roosevelt during VDay time.

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Not A Nice Person

If you have a Turismo, you can go without a Zent for now. The Zentorno does handle better and is certainly faster, but I'd leave it for now.


If you want the best car in the Muscle class, that'll be the Dominator or the Blade. If you chose the Dominator, you can just steal one off the street. If you want a Blade, you should probably wait for now.


If you want the best Sports, you can go for the Elegy RH8 for free (Generally thought to be the best), Massacro, or Feltzer (both up there with the Elegy, but with opposite strengths and weaknesses. If you go for the latter two, you might as well wait for now.


IMO, get a buzzard. It will pay for itself before you know it, and then you'll be able to get whatever you want whenever you want it, as long as you don't mind playing a few missions now and then.


Or, in case they release something more worthwhile than the Buzzard on the next content update (I doubt it), you could wait for that.

Jester > Feltzer Edited by Yura'ndGames
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I would get it in the following order


1. Supercar (your choice)

2. Apartment ($200K), don't waste your money on the > $300K apartments, they all look the same, get one for $200 - $260K

3. Buzzard (worth every cent and love mine, thinking of getting one for my 2nd character as well). FYI only use on Missions with friends and crew and don't be a d*ck. Don't bring along on random missions, people hate them already, use wisely.


I wouldn't waste money on a tank unless you have the above and have extra cash, I rarely see them been used or useful.


If you on the Next Gen


1. the above

2. Dodo (very cool)

3. Mashall/Liberator (Optional for fun)

3. Kraken (Optional)



Also make sure you get your 10% Discount



Edited by rapidwiz
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I would say just sharpen your driving skills and you can win virtually any race with any car in any class. I own an internus and carbonizziare but use my bullet and banshee because its a much more satisfying win when you're supposed to be "disadvantaged"

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Buzzard - prolly the best use of money in the game, IMO. Good for missions, and it's nice to have one as a guaranteed spawner on call for bounty hunting and the like, rather than relying on whatever happens to turn up at the airports/helipads.

That, and at just shy of 2 million, it's one of the most expensive things going, so best to get it out of the way, and know you'll never have to save up quite so much money ever again...

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WAIT FOR DLC. You do not want to miss out on any possible limited edition vehicles. The Roosevelt is a great example of this.

Of course its a great example. Its the only limited edition vehicle to get removed.


The Sovereign was also removed.

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WAIT FOR DLC. You do not want to miss out on any possible limited edition vehicles. The Roosevelt is a great example of this.

Of course its a great example. Its the only limited edition vehicle to get removed.


The Sovereign was also removed.



As well as the the Liberator. Although it's not a PV, still counts.

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WAIT FOR DLC. You do not want to miss out on any possible limited edition vehicles. The Roosevelt is a great example of this.


Of course its a great example. Its the only limited edition vehicle to get removed.


The Sovereign was also removed.


As well as the the Liberator. Although it's not a PV, still counts.

That's why I can still buy them right? They both appear on SoutherSanAndreasSuperAutos and Warstock Cache 'N Carry.
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WAIT FOR DLC. You do not want to miss out on any possible limited edition vehicles. The Roosevelt is a great example of this.

Of course its a great example. Its the only limited edition vehicle to get removed.
The Sovereign was also removed.

As well as the the Liberator. Although it's not a PV, still counts.

That's why I can still buy them right? They both appear on SoutherSanAndreasSuperAutos and Warstock Cache 'N Carry.



If you've bought them before, they still show up.



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