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Serious question, what is the appeal of assisted aim in multiplayer?

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Ok I get that some might prefer to play assisted aim against the sharpshooting AI in missions and survivals, but I will never understand why players prefer it to freeaim when playing against other players. GTA to me is all about the cars and shooting, but the two cannot mix in assisted aim, vehicles are a death trap, so you either walk around the map and take cover behind objects or you end up getting easily killed if any players are that way inclined.


I know free aim is difficult, but that's what makes it appealing and rewarding to me, I like the challenge of aiming myself, why don't others?


Please I really don't want any spam or bigoted responses, saying that I'm an elitist showing off. I genuinely want to know why players want the game to aim for them!?

Well it's default and a lot of people don't know how to switch it; so I assume this is why. I am a freeaimer and honestly it is worth the switch.

Edited by UndertakerXIV

Free aim is better! If you liked to play assisted aim, where is the challenge? It is too easy...It is as if the Console was playing for you.

  • Like 4

Because it saves me that little movement I have to do with my joystick? Locking on to your opponent is handy. Besides, when you haven't realized where they are yet, the game almost always just tells you by pointing automatically at them. Doesn't take much to spot, but it's handy nonetheless.


What do I need a challenge for anyway? I just wanna relax with a game.



Now, were you searching for an actual answer or is this just another "Why the f*ck do these filthy casuals make it so easy for themselves?"

Edited by Goten21

Well it's is default and a lot of people don't know how to switch it; that is what I assume about it. I am a freeaimer and honestly it is worth the switch.



That's a good point, one thing I noticed different in next gen on GTAonline was that players during the introductory stuff with Lamar are explained the different options available for aim preference, I wish Rockstar did a bit more to promote free aim like that. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, good to know you and I think the rest of the Queens of the Damned have switched to free aim :^:


Probably more appealing since everyone is pretty much on an even playing field with regards to aiming maybe?


Interesting point, in my experience of assisted, automatic aim, it can often boil down to who is more patient to remain in cover.

I guess everyone is equal, and only patience and a degree of being more willing to camp makes the difference, thanks for sharing your thoughts though, I personally find the 'tactical' waiting game in cover very dull though.

Free aim is better! If you liked to play assisted aim, where is the challenge? It is too easy...It is as if the Console was playing for you.


Glad to know people on here agree with my thoughts about challenge and difficulty. Props and thanks for posting. :^:



I don't like challenge. I play to relax. :^:

You're right, leave the professionals play together.


So it begins...



Edited by 2281

I use free aim specifically for the reason you stated. Driving anywhere in autoaim is a f*cking death sentence.


As for it being 'rewarding'... I don't really see anyone distinguishing a free aim kill from an autoaim kill and saying oh my god that free aim kill felt so much better than my autoaim kills. Most people just want a better chance at killing someone so they stay in autoaim.


I'm just starting to get the hang of first person free aim and I'm finally starting to dominate deathmatches. (Turned the sensitivity down to near zero). I can even hear people over the mic going "HOW THE f*ck?" Now that's satisfying.

  • Like 4

I don't like challenge. I play to relax. :^:


Pretty much this. GTA is to be Rambo in heels/flip-flops, the combat system isn't good enough to play hardcore... besides, the AI is extremely op.

GrandMaster Smith

For the casuals who can't be arsed to learn how to aim. Autoaim is boring as hell but most the time I'm left to it being my only option being as I can never find a match in the free aim lobbies. I'll be lucky to find a deathmatch in freeaim but forget about finding another soul in races or any other event, they're complete ghost towns.



It's lazy, takes no effort and is as casual as it can possibly be, it's perfect for R*'s targeted audience of 12 year olds.. ya know, the only suckers dumb enough to purchase those $50-$100 shark cards (or should I say have their parents purchase those shark cards..)

  • Like 3



Wow. Another one...

Can't you just attempt to answer a genuine question without your usual spam?

The computer locks onto me.


Free aimers attitude. Which is about as bad as pc gamers attitude.


You helped facilitate that with your comment to me last year. I am done with it.


As for it being 'rewarding'... I don't really see anyone distinguishing a free aim kill from an autoaim kill and saying oh my god that free aim kill felt so much better than my autoaim kills. Most people just want a better chance at killing someone so they stay in autoaim.




Point noted, for me it's not rewarding as such to get the standard 1 vs 1 kill, but it is a great feeling when someone tries to run you down in a speeding car and you manage to place a well aimed headshoot through the windscreen, and their car ends up swerving around you. Or if you manage to get someone with a really good headshot like a helicopter, and you hear them saying ' what the f*ck, how the hell?'. 9/10 you miss, but it's a great feeling to land a well placed shot. (Thank god sniping isn't assisted!)

  • Like 3



Wow. Another one...

Can't you just attempt to answer a genuine question without your usual spam?

The computer locks onto me.


Free aimers attitude. Which is about as bad as pc gamers attitude.


You helped facilitate that with your comment to me last year. I am done with it.


Mouse aim master race




I don't like challenge. I play to relax. :^:

You're right, leave the professionals play together.


So it begins...





Please don't bring needless drama here, I know it's impossible with this topic, but try to respect eachother's preference, I know I am often guilty of joking around and taking the piss out of automatic aim, but for once let's keep this topic unlocked and have a healthy discussion.


Already I'm reading some good responses, about assisted aim being more relaxed. Maybe that's a good way of looking at it. :^:

So thanks for explaining your reasons.


Another user mentioned free aim is dead, it really isn't that dead, but it certainly helps to have an active friend list, if you're interested in free aim on ps4 - feel free to add me on PSN.

  • Like 1

There was literally the same post yesterday. Who cares how you like to play the game ? I certainly don't.

Might as well call the thread " I am better than you ".

  • Like 13

I play AA occasionally because it makes everything so much easier, especially survivals.

There's that saying.. all work and no play makes you a dull boy. Does it fit in context here?


Frank, I'm referring solely to PvP modes. I fully understand the appeal in modes vs the AI / NPC's. :colgate:

I used to play AA on IV, and I actively switch on V, but I will never understand it's appeal against other players.


I play AA occasionally because it makes everything so much easier, especially survivals.

There's that saying.. all work and no play makes you a dull boy. Does it fit in context here?


Frank, I'm referring solely to PvP modes. I fully understand the appeal in modes vs the AI / NPC's. :colgate:

I used to play AA on IV, and I actively switch on V, but I will never understand it's appeal against other players.



I still play AA DMs from time to time, and honestly, it's only because they're usually either ridiculously chaotic or just too populated with terrible players. It's fun getting more involved with the casual playerbase, lel.

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