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Passive Mode Bug?

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So when you are in passive mode you are supposed to be seeing others their cars as ghosts.

Im in a car with passive atm and no one is shown as a ghost, even had someone chase me trying to kill me when he couldnt. I can run player pedestriants over. Known bug?

Edited by DanTFC
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No, you have it wrong, you can still run over peds, but can't harm other players....you are the ghost in this case.



Why is he blasting me if im in "passive mode" and why can I see him as a normal player. I ran him over but ive only recorded 30 sec because didnt want to bother editing a longer clip

Edited by DanTFC
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No, you have it wrong, you can still run over peds, but can't harm other players....you are the ghost in this case.



Why is he blasting me if im in "passive mode" and why can I see him as a normal player. I ran him over but ive only recorded 30 sec because didnt want to bother editing a longer clip


When I say ghost, your not invisible, you are merely transparent everyone can see you and your gamertag, The person firing at you is an idiot who doesn't know the new changes to passive mode. In the clip you posted you didn't hit him with the car, but non passive players can walk through a passive player's vehicle. I had a person crash a helicopter on top of me and only they blew up.

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No, you have it wrong, you can still run over peds, but can't harm other players....you are the ghost in this case.



Why is he blasting me if im in "passive mode" and why can I see him as a normal player. I ran him over but ive only recorded 30 sec because didnt want to bother editing a longer clip


When I say ghost, your not invisible, you are merely transparent everyone can see you and your gamertag, The person firing at you is an idiot who doesn't know the new changes to passive mode. In the clip you posted you didn't hit him with the car, but non passive players can walk through a passive player's vehicle. I had a person crash a helicopter on top of me and only they blew up.


Ive hit him lightly with my car and he fell over. Its gotta be a bug where they see me as a player who doesnt have a passive mode on. I just drove up to two different people and both of them were shooting me. Also I can see them when they are in their vehicles as solid (not transparent) Ive run and killed one of them over and as soon as I did thay the passive mode turned off by itself. Anyways just wondering if anyone had similar a thing

Edited by DanTFC
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No, you have it wrong, you can still run over peds, but can't harm other players....you are the ghost in this case.

Passive mode is bugged tho. Had something firing an RPG at my Elegy, didn't blow up. Then I proceeded to run him over AND kill him. Ofc I was labeled a hacker, but it was indeed weird. And I have also experienced this from the other side. The player wouldn't show up as being passive, but your weapon will refuse to fire at him/her and you can still shoot at their cars and blow the tires out.

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Passive mode is bugged tho. Had something firing an RPG at my Elegy, didn't blow up. Then I proceeded to run him over AND kill him. Ofc I was labeled a hacker, but it was indeed weird. And I have also experienced this from the other side. The player wouldn't show up as being passive, but your weapon will refuse to fire at him/her and you can still shoot at their cars and blow the tires out.



I have experienced exactly the same thing.

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Found the bug you mentioned....you prbably joined a new session...this leaves passive on except you can make contact with players in the new session...you appear as normal but still can't use weapons. Its surely a bug.

Oh is that how it works. Time to go have some fun whilst it's still there :colgate:

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