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GTA V Beta version VS Final version

Beta VS Final  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

    • BETA
    • FINAL

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Hi what do you prefer the BETA versions of GTA V where there was more story and side missions, different things, another elements, a bigger city and map, more weapons, Horses! and more animals too, more soundtracks, more vehicles, better graphics, Skateboard!, and A LOT MORE.




or the Final version which you already know how it is with a lot of things cut from the beta that can ONLY found on the files?.

Edited by Gtaultimatefanboy
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There's no source for like 75% of what's written there. I don't think all that much was removed.

  • Like 5

I'm gonna say final, why? Because 90% of that stuff didn't make it past the sketch boards and where just "ideas", also don't trust GTA Wikia that much...

There was a reason for all of those things cut anyway, whether they are "DLC", abandoned ideas, or they just didn't fit with the game is only know by Rockstar...



Gnocchi Flip Flops

There's no source for like 75% of what's written there. I don't think all that much was removed.

The folks at GTA Wikia know their stuff, none of it is bullsh*t. I don't know where all of these nuts are coming from, the ones who start bullsh*t rumors about wiki's not being accurate.



There's no source for like 75% of what's written there. I don't think all that much was removed.

The folks at GTA Wikia know their stuff, none of it is bullsh*t. I don't know where all of these nuts are coming from, the ones who start bullsh*t rumors about wiki's not being accurate.


The majority of the things there are true, because they got it from here and other places where people search the code, but there's also a lot of stupid bullsh*t I could point out right now.

  • Like 1

Am I the only one that thinks OP makes no sense? So we are comparing the final game to cut Beta content?


Well let me say it this way, ofcourse the final product is better, it's pointless to have more weapons and vehicles without shooting mechanics and driving physics, lol...

Another one of these? Wow. Basically don't trust GTA Wiki, I could go on there right now and write "Realistic steak was cut from the game" and it'd probably stay on there forever. Wikipedia is usually a great source, ignore what snooty academics say, but not all Wikis are and GTA Wiki certainly is not. The types of people who hang around on this site is more than enough to prove that :D


I ranted about this earlier on in another thread, but things not making the final cut is a common thing in software development. Half of those things probably aren't even true, if they are then they were probably things cut before fully implemented. And some of those comments are f*cking ridiculous - "Modifications to vehicles such as Bass Boost, Nitro and Hydraulics would have returned in GTA V, but most of them were cut during development. Through modding software however, it is possible to modify vehicles to have the Nitro and Hydraulics abilities, however it is unknown how to activate them and it's more likely that these are just parts of unused code." --- erm isn't it pretty f*cking obvious to even the most humble student of computer programming that they clearly just lifted the system from SA and adapted it, rather than create a new one from scratch? That's not "cut content" at all. Other things are just ludicrous attempts of putting 2 and 2 together to get 5 - Gyms was going to be a feature for the player to work out in the game was removed, but Franklin is seen working out at the Muscle Sands Gym in the Switch Scenes." - but that's not prove at all.


A lot of these claims are also based on the heavily polished screenshots and trailers, which does not prove anything. A lot of things are quite rightfully staged in these to sell the game, or even to stop you learning certain things. For example, Franklin is seen chasing the plane in a screenshot rather than Trevor, but that's probably not "cut content", it's a little thing called marketing, and that isn't a bad thing.


In a nutshell, the internet is full of idiots (let's face it, all of us are at some points in our day, right?) so don't believe it all.

  • Like 2



I ranted about this earlier on in another thread, but things not making the final cut is a common thing in software development. Half of those things probably aren't even true, if they are then they were probably things cut before fully implemented. And some of those comments are f*cking ridiculous - "Modifications to vehicles such as Bass Boost, Nitro and Hydraulics would have returned in GTA V, but most of them were cut during development. Through modding software however, it is possible to modify vehicles to have the Nitro and Hydraulics abilities, however it is unknown how to activate them and it's more likely that these are just parts of unused code." --- erm isn't it pretty f*cking obvious to even the most humble student of computer programming that they clearly just lifted the system from SA and adapted it, rather than create a new one from scratch? That's not "cut content" at all. Other things are just ludicrous attempts of putting 2 and 2 together to get 5 - Gyms was going to be a feature for the player to work out in the game was removed, but Franklin is seen working out at the Muscle Sands Gym in the Switch Scenes." - but that's not prove at all.


A lot of these claims are also based on the heavily polished screenshots and trailers, which does not prove anything. A lot of things are quite rightfully staged in these to sell the game, or even to stop you learning certain things. For example, Franklin is seen chasing the plane in a screenshot rather than Trevor, but that's probably not "cut content", it's a little thing called marketing, and that isn't a bad thing.


There is proof for the hydraulics, bass boost and nitro.There's also proof for the working gym. If you don't believe, go the beta hunt topic, all the proof is there. By the way, I don't see how replace Trevor with Franklin would make the screenshot more marketable.

Edited by Darth_Starkiller

Things in Trailers and Screenshots are changed just for marketing and for not spoil anything. You can see it in the last PS4 Launch Trailer where Michael and Trevor were wearing casual clothes instead of police suits (even Michael's hand was floating while ingame would be touching the police radio).


Off topic: What means "OP"?

King Vercetti

Things in Trailers and Screenshots are changed just for marketing and for not spoil anything. You can see it in the last PS4 Launch Trailer where Michael and Trevor were wearing casual clothes instead of police suits (even Michael's hand was floating while ingame would be touching the police radio).


Off topic: What means "OP"?


Original poster.


TC means topic creator. Basically the same thing.


First Trailer GTA V is the best GTA V.


I would do anything to play the game in the state that it was back then. If I had terminal cancer, I would use my Make a Wish to play the First Trailer version of GTA V.

Edited by daltontigerboy

I'm happy with what we got, regardless of anything interesting that was cut out. It was cut out for a reason if it was, Rockstar are experienced game developers and I respect any decision they make, because I'm not a game developer or professional critic.



Despite what some people think, I really doubt that Rockstar removes most of the stuff they remove simply for sh*ts and giggles. Anything they removed (and I don't trust GTA wiki worth a damn) it was probably removed for good reason.

Vercetti Thug


You seriously do not know what you are talking about, OP.

Im more veteran than you buddy.


You're more veteran than him over a month? LMAO



Veteran........haha You are more like a todler who don't have to wear a diaper anymore. :lol:

t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m

After DLC and next-gen porting, it looks like most of the stuff made it to the final version.


The pre-release version looks cool, but you have to remember that those builds are usually unstable and unfinished. For example, look at the screenshot pictures used in the bars and barber shops, where the desert is just a massive flat plain and everything looks unfinished. I'm sure it would still be interesting to play, though.

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