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Money Murda Hustlers recruiting! XBOX ONE/360

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The Money Murda Hustlers are recruiting!

Welcome to the official recruitment thread of the notorious street gang The Money Murda Hustlers.We Hustlers reside in Vespucci canals and on some streets in Rockford Hills.We rep mainly orange but wear black as a secondary colour.We add a roleplay type structure to our gang and we take the hierarchy seriously as it allows us to separate the veterans from the YHs.Members higher up in the ranks have more rights and responsibilities and get more respect.We operate on both xbox platforms and we only tolerate free aim as that is how most crew battles are settled.

We take combat seriously so we can be on top of our game and be ready for war at any moment,we do this by doing practice TDMs and free roam killing.We keep the crew small so it allows us to keep a watch on ALL members so if you are putting in work it will be noticed and you will be rewarded over time.We are a family and a brotherhood and shall protect our brothers no matter what the numbers we are against.


1.NEVER kill one another,we are family,all problems should be settled by contacting an OG or a fist fight.

2.You have to look part of the crew,do this by wearing orange and having crew emblems on cars or clothes.

3.You MUST set us as your active crew,there are no exceptions.

4.You must practice you free aim skills.

5.Members with higher ranks MUST be given respect and you MUST follow there orders.

6.Don't ask for promotions,we will notice the work you put in and you will be rewarded,it does take time.

7. Check the SC atleast once a day for any news or updates within the crew (if you don't you will lose your chances of being promoted and you'll have no idea what is going on if you don't)

8.You must introduce yourself on the SC page and post your GT on the feed also.

9.You MUST be social with other members and you MUST either join or set up partys with the crew and you must try to talk to everyone in the crew,we all need to know eachother,we are family.

10.Keep it real (no miniguns and RPGs and only use bombs on cars)

Failure to follow the rules will result in either:
part time/permanent ban


YH (Young Hustler): The newest members of the set,everyone starts of here.(muscle on RS social club)

H (Hustler): Proved their loyalty,done there bit for the crew and served a good amount of time in the crew (muscle on RS social club)

RH (Real Hustler):They have proved their worth the crew and shown the true meaning of brotherhood and served a good amount of time in the crew.They can give orders too both YHs and Hs but also have responsibilities to do.There is 1 RH for every 3 Hs and YHs (representative on the RS social club)

OH (Original Hustler):They have been in the crew for a long time and have shown true loyalty,brotherhood and dedication.They have big responsibilities and normally exceed at a certain skill.There is 1 OH for every 1 RH (lieutenant on the RS social club)

VH (Veteran Hustler):They have been around for a very long time and show real loyalty,dedication and skill.This rank is the best achievable one in the crew and they can do just as much as the leader can.There is 3 VHs for every 5 OHs (commissioner on the RS social club)

Leader:There is only 1 leader,the leader has absolute power and decides how the crew run

Gang Turf


Vespucci Canals:The Hustlers were first formed here and a lot of our members still live here today,not the best for business as there isn't many open areas,there's a few alleyways to chill around though.


Rockford Hills (areas in orange):We control Steele Way (top left street) and Caesar Place (semi circle type shape) as these are great spots for business and just another place to chill.

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