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Character Synchronisation

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I apologise if this has already been discussed, but I couldn't find any relevant topics through the forum search feature.


There's been something I've been wondering since day one - and I know it has to have been discussed by now - but why isn't there an option to synchronise any and all online characters? Back when Grand Theft Auto V launched initially last year, I started off with a female online character, primarily to live out my desire to play as a female protagonist within the franchise. I even opted to stay with her once the prologue finished and the game gave that, "This is your last chance to edit your character" warning. It wasn't until the first or second patch after Rockstar got everything online working properly was I prompted once more to make any final changes to my character. I did and went from female to male instead. Obviously, I missed my female character so I made a second when I was able and made her female.


The only thing that sucks though, is that I have one character (my male, Jack) at level 60 and my other character (my female, Alice) at level 8. If both characters share funds - tied to your gamertag/account - why isn't progress, statistics, etc. synchronised as well, or at least have it as an option? Sometimes I want to play as my female character, but it's almost as if I'm being penalised by doing so because I didn't dedicate enough game time to her as I did to my male. I just wish there was at least an option to tie two characters together and have a shared everything; progress/level, apartment(s), garage(s), vehicles, weapons, etc. Just obviously, have to buy different clothes since they can't both wear the same outfits aside from the non-gender-specific like the LTS combat wear and such.


I know most people won't care too much about this, but for those that do, what are your thoughts? Should we maybe petition Rockstar to implement such a synchronisation feature? It would be quite a simple addition, after the heists are included obviously, because we've all clearly waited far too long for those to come along.

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The idea of having two characters is just that, having two seperate characters. If they shared everything there would be no point. The whole purpose is to rise through the ranks, to work your way up. I hate that they share a bank account.


I started a new guy on PS4, but I have enough cash to buy him several super cars and apartments. I tried to look past the cash, but it's had to distinguish my old cash from new cash.

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because both systems have different content...

if you have all next gen exclusive cars on one system how will that compute on old gen???


once you transfer they spilt up and become two different entities lol (the super car)


kinda like you just split up from a fusion dance...


you will have everything the same, progress remains restricted to each character on each system



eg. you can transfer level 50, have ps4 and ps3 level 50, you can play ps3 and level up top 55 but the ps4 will stay 50 and vice versa.

very simple

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I understand what you are saying, basically you would like both characters to share everything and live in the same place with the same cars and I think that would be cool but maybe having a permanent character creator in a shop with a few different favourite characters saved and be able to be loaded at will would be an option.

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LL Cool L, you completely missed the point.

I did, sorry lol im at work and read super quick


still it would be better if the'd just bring out a plastic surgeon and let you edit/ change gender of your character when you wanted

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LL Cool L, you completely missed the point.

I did, sorry lol im at work and read super quick


still it would be better if the'd just bring out a plastic surgeon and let you edit/ change gender of your character when you wanted



Agreed. I mean, I understand the point of having two different characters in the world: different personalities, rank, property, etc. but I definitely would approve of some sort of feature to either allow synchronisation or at least, as you suggested, change the gender at any point. For a fee, of course, since nothing is free in GTA Online, lmfao. Probably what, $5000?

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