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BREAKING NEWS: (Your Name Here) Has Finally Been Arrested!

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I was writing a little bio for my character and i though it would be cool to write my character story from the point of a newspaper reporter who is reporting the "arrest & crimes" of my character while she await her upcoming trial and i though it'd be cool to see what kind of stories people would write about theirs.




One of Los Santo most dangerous females has finally been taken off the street in a crime wave that has lasted for over 10 months the Police has been looking for Alexis since January 21st the same day she landed at Los Santo Airport from Vice City in Miami to take over the Family business after her brother was Killed during the October purge during that time her Cousin took over until Alexis was able to come in.

Police say the very same day Alexis arrived in Los Santo she racked up various felonies including Murder, Carjacking & Robbery but she was able to avoid capture with the help with what the Police are describing a very powerful person who Alexis claims has several of Los Santo finest on his payroll.

During the execution of a Search Warrant at her Del Perro & 4 Integrity Way where they seized both properties $70,000 in cash, a bank account with over $10million abd a total of 20 high end cars ranging from $200,000 to over a $1,000,000 FIB Techs also found a treasure trove of evidence to prove cooperation between Alexis and a man by the name of (redacted) who is a buyer of cars at Los Santo Custom who bought cars from Alexis and her henchmen without any paperwork many of these cars are though to have been stolen from the street and cars that were stolen during Carjackings.

FIB found further evidence that Alexis had been paying a local mechanic by the name of Johnny to be her personal mechanic but documents show that Alexis made Johnny steal the parts that were used to replace damaged parts on her car and required that he fix her cars in 30 seconds or less or he would be killed to avoid getting in trouble for using Slave Labor Alexis paid Johnny $50 a week to repair damages on her cars and to deliver the cars to them.

As of March 2014 Johnny has not be heard from by anybody in Los Santo the local police suspect that Johnny had been killed by a huge cooperation only ID as R* in police records for aiding and abeding a local crime family in making duplicate cars to be sold for profit.

It is not clear if the FIB suspect Alexis or The Queens Of The Damned in his disaperence.
Detectives held a press conference over the weekend where they revealed Alexis mugshot which was taken in their new state of the art Criminal Processing Center which was paid for with proceeds seized during shootouts with suspected hencemen who are suspected of a multitude of crimes from robbing other drug dealers of their drugs and delivering them to a Gearld while others are suspected of carrying out hits on witnesses some kills in front of the Police many of those wittnesses preparing to testify in upcoming trials against members of the Queens Of The Damn crew.

Since it's creation in November of last year the FIB have unsuccessfully tried to infiltrate The Queens Of The Damn family where the organization is so secret nobody knows who the Don is they only know him by PANiC and his second in command Mr. McKraken who we believe is not his real name.

Suspect Name: Alexis

Net Worth:$35,100,000,000

Total Money In The Bank: 10,348,201

Total Number Of Suspected To Have Been Killed:522

Charges: Murder
Attempted Murder
Grand Theft
Car Jacking
Aggravated Robbery
Grand Theft Auto
Aggravated Assault On a Person Over 50

More charges are expected to come as the Police appeal for more witnesses who were once afraid to come forward and file charges afraid of being killed like witnesses before them but with Alexis behind bars at Los Santo High Secuirty Prison which is located just two miles south of the Sandy Shores Airfield where Alexis was transported today by a Swift Helicopter today and than transferred to Police Armored Truck for transportation to the prison.

Los Santo Police, Sandy Shores Sheriff Dept & The FIB has promised round the clock protection to anybody who comes forward to testify again Alexis

Her Trial is set for middle of December.

What is your story?

Please put some effort in your post this has the potential of being a good/decent bio thread.


To find some of the info i used in my story for your character you can look up the info by using gta5stats.com


If you'd like to use your character mug shot you can find it in your Gallery as one was automatically taken when you transferred your progress and edited or made a new character.


PS3/360 Players you can use a simple face photo for your mugshot




Attention: Unless you are going to post a story or reserve a spot please do not make off topic/spam post as they will be deleted to keep this a clean thread.

If you want to tell someone you like their story please do so in PM to avoid clutter.



Edited by Troubadour
Zoots Remuvah

I'll join teh queue..


feck knows when I'll get it sorted though - I'm profiting nicely from Black Friday since I work in media monitoring and some of our clients are retailers..


(though my faith in humanity is now zero after reading so much shlt about people knocking lumps out a each other for teh bargainz...)

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My character's in-world biography in my head is more from a Post-Heist perspective.



(Doesn't have a name in my head, but his file name is Robert after Robert Baratheon in A Song of Ice and Fire so we'll just go with Robert) arrived in Los Santos from out east near the outskirts of Liberty City after hooking up with Lamar Davis via Lifeinvader. Despite their vastly different personalities, the two forged a mutual partnership doing small crimes. With enough cash to get a place of his own at 1237 Prosperity Street. Once much higher risk jobs came to him through contacts he meets as he moves up the criminal scale such as Lester Crest and Martin Madrazo he and Lamar became more distant as friends as he began running with much more professional criminals. Highly conscious of civilian casualties, he became known as a reliable source who tried to minimise non-target casualties as best as possible. After acquiring a bigger fortune, he soon moved from his quaint apartment and moved into Apartment 42 of Tinsel Tower and, upon Lester's advice, purchased a side investment in a small home in Paleto Bay on 4401 Procopio Drive.


As time passed on, he began running with a crew of other criminals who became infamous for their MO but their identities never revealed. However, someone eventually set the crew up, whether within the crew or out, no one knows, but a good portion of the crew was busted, four including himself either died or went MIA. When the FIB began a nationwide hunt for them, Robert sold off all his assets in Los Santos and slipped quietly away with his amassed fortune to lay low and put his guns down. Never knowing who betrayed them, he chose not to pursue the matter and took up a straight job, assumed a much less glamorous and began living as just another face in the quiet town of Paleto Bay working in the local hardware store and moonlighting construction jobs, it was here in Paleto he eventually met a woman and started a life with her, never revealing his history to her or the fact there was a hidden hatch in his garage to a secure mini-vault containing his small fortune of five million or his tools of his previous trade. Now in retirement (by the start of GTA V's story) he has cut off all contact with his old crew and business associates and has fallen off the radar, much to the FIB's annoyance. When he's alone, he quietly laments abandoning his friends but in the end had to choose between his freedom or coming out of the shadows to visit them in Bolingbroke Penitentiary, which has surely left them speculating he was the rat when in truth he is on the run to this day, though the FIB's intense search has died down after he presumably died somewhere as he's not been heard from globally in over six months.


Breaking News: 'Granny Danger' Back Behind Bars




-(Los Santos) After nearly a decade of searching, the infamous escaped inmate, Maydale Hughes, was arrested late this evening at a local Burger Shot diner. Mrs. Maydale had been on the run for 9 years, following her escape from maximum security prison.


Hughes, better known as 'Granny Danger' was arrested for shoplifting knitting needles from a local marketplace. Hughes was confronted by local authorities and kindly asked to return the needles. However, Mrs. Maydale decided to stab the authorities with the knitting needles constantly until both were near death. 'Granny Danger' fled the scene only to get arrested at a nearby Burger Shot diner. At the time, this Burger Shot diner was brand new, and Admiral Elwood J. Tuttle himself opened it.


Admiral Tuttle was the founder and face of Burger Shot until countless domestic violence reports came out of his wife beating him. Admiral Tuttle constantly called the Feds on his wife, yet never appeared bruised. It seemed to all be for attention, so the board of advisors at Burger Shot Enterprises elected to drop Admiral Tuttle and go in a new marketing direction.


Back on topic....


Following her arrest, Granny Danger was convicted and sentenced to 100 years in maximum security prison with no chance of parole in 1976. Hughes was 53 years of age at the time of her sentencing....


Initially, Granny Danger was filled with anger and rage. Her first days in prison were filled with violence and murder. After figuring out how to fashion her toothbrush into a deadly shank, Granny Danger brutally murdered all of the inmates who had taken part in her 'intiation'....




After racking up 18 homicide charges, Mrs. Maydale was sentenced to 18 consecutive life sentences with no chance of parole. One life sentence for each inmate that she had brutally shanked. Granny Danger was tossed into a solitary cell, and not allowed out except for 5 mins, once each week to shower off.


Granny Danger rotted in her jail cell for 29 long years. However, she never lost hope that she would one day escape. She spent the whole time scheming and plotting evil plans on how she would bust out if she ever got the opportunity.


In year 2005, Los Santos Department of Corrections elected to close down the maximum security women's prison that Granny Danger was locked up in. The Sunshine and Smiles Women's Maximum Security Detention Complex was closed down, and all of the female inmates were to be transferred to Bolingbroke Penitentiary. All of the women were loaded onto vans and transported to their new home.


The only problem is that one of the vans didn't make it to the new prison....




Granny Danger had used her 29 years of solitary confinement to learn how to pick locks with a spork. She had successfully smuggled on a spork into the van and quietly picked the locks on her handcuffs. Once free, she pulled out the toothbrush shank which she had been hiding, and brutally stabbed the officer driving the van.


All of the inmates with her on the van began cheering as they thought that they were going to be set free but Granny Danger stabbed them each to death one by one. It was horrifying, but Mrs. Maydale wanted no witnesses.


With the dead guard, an abandoned prison van, and 14 more murdered inmates, Granny Danger fled the scene. She laid low for 9 long years.


Earlier this afternoon, officers were tipped off that suspicious pics were popping up on Life Invader's website. Apparently, an online dating couple had experienced a bad breakup, and both parties were using Life Invader to vent about it.


One lady, username Granny D., stated that 'this was her final time dating someone exclusively on the internet.' This angered her former lover, username Niko Bellic. Niko lost his cool and threatened to expose pictures of her to the world if she didn't take him back. Granny D. then posted a pic of herself kissing two other guys in one night. Niko could take no more...


He posted the below pic to Life Invader along with her current address, cell phone number, email address, and social security number....




The LSPD received notification that the above pic had been posted, and they acted immediately. FIB SWAT vehicles surrounded the home of the escaped felon, and began trying to draw her out. Granny Danger shot her way out with the above minigun, finally clearing enough of a gap to speed away on her unlicensed dirt bike.


The chase continued for a few miles, before a police officer finally rammed her dirt bike off the road. The collision caused Granny Danger to fly off of her dirt bike and into the side of the local Burger Shot diner. Ironically, the same diner where she had been arrested at back in 1976....


Police feared the worst as the approached the 90 year old murderess. She looked crumpled up, and police officers feared that she had died on impact. They hung their heads, as they slowly approached. Every customer in the Burger Shot diner had came outside to see what had made a huge thud on the side of the building. They eagerly watched the cops approaching Granny Danger as they chowed down on their Bleeder Burgers.


However, Granny Danger mustered up enough force to quickly grab her hidden SNS pistol, and proceeded to cap the closest officer right between the eyes. Several more officers were shot along with one Burger Shot customer. The bullet penetrated directly through his Bleeder Burger and entered his chest. This customer was pronounced dead instantly. Granny Danger was tased, pepper sprayed, mased, beaten with a baton, punched by cops, wrestled, before finally being handcuffed. She squirmed angrily, using very foul language, and threatening the lives of the LSPD officers, the Burger Shot customers, Niko Bellic for quote "being a low life snitch and ratting her out" and she even threatened our news team here at Weazel News....


Granny Danger was promptly loaded into the back of a police car with multiple SWAT officers holding her down as they cruised back to the police station.


Granny Danger has likely seen her last days as a free woman. Her killing spree has escalated over the years, and she may now be facing the death penalty.


Nonetheless, the citizens of Los Santos can rest easier knowing that this animal is back behind bars where she belongs....


Richard Long

Weazel News




Saving a post.


I'm trying to visualize how my article would look like. Probably got arrested for corporate espionage because Benefactor's a snitch or w/e.

I wanna see how far this thread will go. Maybe then I'll come back and post the fable of my dearly beloved Chinese queen, Jiao Liu. But nice setup OP. Nice setup indeed...





*Judicious 7 is off the radar*

I tought this thread is going to be about how cops shold try arrest you at 1 star in GTA Online, because yesterday I found sound file for getting arrested(in 'mpwasted.rpf' I have never got arrested in SP bit basicall it sounded like the bars closing just in the style of the 'wasted' sound.

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breaking news :

the " insane troll " strikes again , wreaking havoc in los santos . skylight , A.K.A " insane troll " gone insane everytime he appeared at every session . his victim are random players but most common he targeted is underaged player , racist and IGN crew members . according to his interview , he assault that players with tank , mercenaries , bounties and mugger . he also stated during Co-op activities , he would threw teargas on his allies to disable their auto aim and at same time , block their view .

he also camp a Los Santos airport's terminal and declare " airport closed ! " meant for anyone who use aircraft in LSI or enter the terminal where he guard it , will be shot down until ragequit


Inara "Suki" Oishi, arrested 11/14/14, facing various charges including kidnapping, felony murder. Daughter of a Norwegian father who was a mid level soldier in the Ericsen crime family and a Japanese mother, she was orphaned at 16 after her parents were murdered in an apparent gangland retribution hit and faced an uncertain future on the streets of Oslo. She quickly made a reputation for herself for the vicious torture/murder of a local pimp seeking to recruit her. She was inducted into a local gang and made a name for herself by being the goto girl for high profile/difficult target assassination.


Immigrated to Los Santos in 10/13 at age 30, rumors of a hit gone wrong in Oslo. She hit the ground running with a string of carjackings and armed robberies. She quickly attracted the attention of local gangs and "businessmen". She moved on from petty crimes to contact killings and other difficult missions, including stealing a Titan loaded with weapons from a Merryweather hanger (22 dead), the assassination of a Mexican national turned federal witness and a DA from a military base (multiple dead, massive destruction of property including one Titan and two escort Lazer aircraft). These feats were accomplished single handedly, as she mostly works alone, adding to her already impressive reputation.


Her arrest came about due to her violent nature coupled with poor impulse control. After dragging a motorist from their car, beating them to death, then setting the body on fire for honking their horn, a massive 5 star police pursuit ended with her capture. This ended a year long crime spree in which she has acquired two luxury apartments, 20 high end vehicles, a massive arsenal, and an impressive wardrobe including over 300 pairs of shoes.


Unfortunately Ms. Oishi managed to escape police custody while being transferred to prison following her initial indictment (7 officers dead). She remains at large and is considered armed and extremely dangerous. She is highly skilled in unarmed combat, melee weapons (her signature weapon is a viking hatchet said to have been a family heirloom passed on from her father), all manner of firearms and explosives, and an expert driver and pilot. Do not approach and immediately call police if spotted.


Edited by sportbikepilot369

Name - Swaggie McSwaggson

Wrongfully arrested for assulting a vending machine all he was doing was checking to make sure that It was still able to dispense tasty treats for all to enjoy.


Below Is a picture forged by the police such bs.


This will not stand! He is an expert digger and Is digging his way out of jail with his lucky spoon at the moment.


I also have an exclusive picture of him with him at work with his spoon, as you can see he has almost escaped and will be back on the streets soon enough.



Edited by devildante11
  • Like 3


Well done :^:


You could have taken a snapshot and posted this newspaper directly into the forum instead.

Edited by PalmIsland!


Justice has been served today in Los Santos as Joe "Epic" Buker was arrested at his home at Richards Majestic. Richards Majestic was believed to be one of the many safehouse's of the Epic, other locations included Paleto Bay and Vespucci. Epic was notorious for crimes in Mass-Murder, theft, robbery and more crimes under the sun. One of his "Employers" is businessman Simeon Yaterian, Yaterian claimed that he had no knowledge of his "aggressive" ways of work. He was investigated by F.I.B agent Dave Norton for his connection to a criminal named Gerald. Epic's family have been informed of his arrest and claim that he left the United Kingdom in 2013 for San Andreas to meet a "friend" he met on LifeInvader named "Lamar Davis".

Lamar is not a suspect of the involvement of Epic's crimes. It can be considered that the city of Los Santos and Blaine County will be safer with the criminal behind bars.

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Top Story Tonight: San Andreas' Most Wanted Racer Arrested in Street Racing Bust



-(Richard Head, Weazel News, Los Santos) After over a year of clandestine midnight street racing threatening the safety of the general public, notorious street racer Rick "ZeroSafe" Malone was arrested after undercover agents infiltrated his club, "The Redliners" earlier yesterday night along with 5 other of his crew's associates. Malone, a 24 year old Vice City native, came to Los Santos to go to school and establish his own custom car company. After buying stock in Los Santos Customs and spending the last of his money on a customized Bravado Gauntlet, Malone set out to "break bad" in the Los Santos underground racing scene. The LSPD has not responded to Weazel with details pertaining to Malone's arrest; we will provide updates as they are recieved.

Edited by ZeroSafe5615
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I love the Granny Danger story... and where/how did you get prison pics and prison wardrobe?




The prison pics came from the capture creator. Simply create a capture in the prison and add in inmates as actors. Once you complete the capture details, you will have to test out the capture. During this test, you will be invincible and dressed in whatever your online character was last wearing. You can set the duration for up to 45-60 mins, and enable the inmates to spawn infinitely so that you can beat them down continuously without dying. It's actually a blast lol


The prison outfit is only possible for females if you have reached rank 86 or higher due to the fact that the Prison Chinos don't unlock until then. It sucks until you get there, but once you are, it's the perfect look for a rough looking prison gal lol. I used an old logo glitch to take the logo off of the white off shoulder tee, and completed the look with a saggy black beanie, and black flip flops.


Hope this helped! Glad you enjoyed the story too!

  • Like 1


I love the Granny Danger story... and where/how did you get prison pics and prison wardrobe?




The prison pics came from the capture creator. Simply create a capture in the prison and add in inmates as actors. Once you complete the capture details, you will have to test out the capture. During this test, you will be invincible and dressed in whatever your online character was last wearing. You can set the duration for up to 45-60 mins, and enable the inmates to spawn infinitely so that you can beat them down continuously without dying. It's actually a blast lol


The prison outfit is only possible for females if you have reached rank 86 or higher due to the fact that the Prison Chinos don't unlock until then. It sucks until you get there, but once you are, it's the perfect look for a rough looking prison gal lol. I used an old logo glitch to take the logo off of the white off shoulder tee, and completed the look with a saggy black beanie, and black flip flops.


Hope this helped! Glad you enjoyed the story too!

Great job!

  • Like 1



After killing dozens of Russian Mobsters in Vice City for 2 years, conning out hundreds of civilians credit card numbers in Liberty City, and causing havoc upon the city of Los Santos, "Zia Kurai" was finally caught after a gunfight in Los Santos International Airport that lasted for 2 hours, the LSPD arrived soon after 2 plane had exploded. A civilian had this to say, "Yo dude when I heard that explosion, I thought terrorists had bombed us again, those Iraq ba*terds." The head leader of the Da Nang Boys "Hēi'àn Sǐwáng" was arriving when he heard a coke deal back in Los Santos gone wrong. Zia was actually trying to get Hēi'àn because Zia said and quote, "That scum of a man burnt my only home in China and my mother inside when I was only 17 years old. When I had learned that he done this to my family, my purpose was to kill him and ruin his base of operations. After using the money that I had left, I flied to America just to lay low. That was then when I found my father, It seemed as if he knew I was coming. I personally thought he was a Spy for the Da Nang Boys, thank god I was wrong. When I saw him for the first time in 15 years, I punched him in the face, maybe I made him lose a tooth and then I hugged that old bast*rd. He trained me how to fight, how to kill, but only to those who were corrupted or full evil. It was when I turned 21, my dad was killed by a Da Nang Boys assassin. Turns out the assassination was to be a initiation , well he failed miserably but my dads only request was to kill Hēi'àn Sǐwáng the most inhuman way possible." The cops found Zia brutalizing the remains of Hēi'àn Sǐwáng with a grenade, a di*do, and a lighter. Itwas then Zia peacefully turned himself in and facing trial for his actions yet citizen of Los Santos protest him for being in Trial because they believe and quote, "He does more sh*t than Obama or any of these pig cops in LS." His trial will follow along after a British bank robber named "Hoxton" awaits his sentence.

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Photo credit to Vera Vanderpump via Snapmatic

EARLIER TODAY FIB and Interpol agents stormed a Richman mansion on the outskirts of the city. After a five hour stand off and tense negotiations, international jewel thief, Vera Vanderpump, wanted by the FIB, Interpol and several police agencies around the world, surrendered and is now in FIB custody.

Vera Vanderpump started her criminal career in her home city of San Fierro in 2007 at the young age of 18. Vera Vanderpump along with three unknown associates robbed a Vangelcio in under 90 seconds, making off with over $5.8 million dollars worth of jewels which were never recovered. It can be said that the precious metals were melted down and the priceless jewels were sold on the black market.

There is not much known about Vera Vanderpump's past and there are no records of her existing before the infamous 2007 heist. The extensive network of the FIB and Interpol failed to trace Vera Vanderpump's past, with even facial recognition software proving to be a dead end. One FIB agent was quoted saying "..it's as if she appeared out of thin air, like she's a ghost."

After the San Fierro heist in 2007, Vera Vanderpump has been held responsible for heists that took place in Vice City, Liberty City, Carcer City, London, Las Venturas, Chicago, Paris, Moscow, Rome, Atlanta, Monte Carlo and Beijing. In 2010 during a boxing match at Caligula's Casino, $7.5 million dollars in cash, $3.2 million dollars in jewels and two Grotti sport cars disappeared during a city wide blackout which only lasted 90 seconds. FIB and Interpol were able to link Vera Vanderpump to this heist and several other high profile heist because each one only took 90 seconds to complete, something that is unheard of.

Over the years, Vera Vanderpump has taunted authorities using Snapmatic, a popular social networking site that allows users to post and share photos with friends and followers all over the world. Vera Vanderpump has never posted images of stolen goods or jewels but always post photos before and after each heist of her enjoying the area like any regular tourist.

A FIB profiler has said that Vera Vanderpump is charismatic, charming, calculating and uses her looks to her advantage to manipulate men and woman alike. After looking through all of her Snapmatic photos, one can say that Vera Vanderpump enjoys the finer things in life and accepts nothing less.

A year ago, Vera Vanderpump's last known jewelry heist in Liberty ended with three security guards killed and several civilians injured. On July 18th, 2013, Vera Vanderpump and six other men entered a high end jewelry store in Middle Park, Liberty City, which was showcasing murdered film star, Leonora Johnson's private collection. The small collections value was estimated to be around $ 5 million. As the crew was exiting the jewelry store, a witness said a security guard reached for his weapon but was quickly taken down by one of the gunman. A fire fight between the gunman and security guards lasted on a minute but by the end, three were dead and several with left injured. A small bag of the stolen jewels was found a block away.

Snapmatic, along with FIB and Interpol were finally able to trace Vera Vanderpump to a home in Richman. Attempts were made to track Vera via Snapmatic but attempts were always unsuccessful since the photos were always posted with a non traceable burner phone that lacked any GPS capabilities. Vera Vanderpump's arrest was not of her own though. A Richman couple who were renovating their home snapped a photo of themselves on their balcony and in the background, over the fence, a bathing suit clad Vera Vanderpump was seen poolside with several other wanted men and woman.

Minutes after the photo was posted, FIB and Interpol agents, along with the help of LSPD, had the Richman mansion where Vera Vanderpump was held up, surrounded with seemingly no way out. From eye witness accounts, a blacked out Benefactor Dubsta crashed through the front gate and drove towards and LSPD police cruiser, but was met with a barrage of bullets from NOOSE.

Several hours later after lengthy negotiations Vera Vanderpump along with eight others were respectively put into FIB and Interpol custody. It is estimated that over the years, Vera Vanderpump and her associates made off with over $50 million dollars in stolen jewels. This does not account for the other stolen money, goods, cars and property damage.

This story is still currently under development......

  • Like 5





Photo credit to Vera Vanderpump via Snapmatic

EARLIER TODAY FIB and Interpol agents stormed a Richman mansion on the outskirts of the city. After a five hour stand off and tense negotiations, international jewel thief, Vera Vanderpump, wanted by the FIB, Interpol and several police agencies around the world, surrendered and is now in FIB custody.


This story is still currently under development......



Really nice char/pic & story – using it to reserve me a spot on the first page :p


Thumbs up.

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