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Limited criminality in the open world.

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Spontaneous criminal activities are uninspired in the series.


You could kill a pickpocket or a purse snatcher and take his money or rob an armored bank van, but they are set as "events", a big blue ugly dot appears on the minimap decreasing your sense of achievement in noticing an opportunity. I preferred it when they were passive events that happened in the game world. I digress though.


Sticking up a store or robbing ATM users is a step in the right direction. Even though you can't hold up pedestrians and is forced to shoot an old lady in the face instead of frightening her to the grave with a threat and a pointed gun. Wasn't that in Red dead redemption already? I mean why can't I (as Franklin, obviously :)) wait in an alleyway, in a shadowy corner and holdup the first pedestrian that walks by?


Better yet R* could better use all those gang areas they created in LS. These gangs mostly deal in drugs, It'd be fun if the player can ambush gangsters during a drug deal that he/she happened to drive by. Better yet you could plan the ambush Omar Little style with the help of one of the other protags while hanging out.

The "Random" events system lack surreptitiousness and show a lack of effort from R*.


Just let me be a proper criminal, not limited to stealing cars and killing peds. Create a game world that allows for such activity, the game's title is a crime, and you offer me yoga an yuppie tennis.

Edited by Bi0ha2ard_q8
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