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One Issue (XB1) - Dump Truck in the City

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So, I'm bored and trying to figure something to do. Given the new passive mode, I figured I'd call for the dump truck since people can't wreck it in two seconds and I could drive it around.


Tried to call for it twice at the movie theater spawn, both times it vanishes and I get the "could not deliver" call. Third time, approach a different way and it works.


I drive it around for a minute and my XBOX suddenly looks like it's about to have a meltdown. The framerate slows down to a crawl - about as close to freezing without freezing as it gets. I jump out and it clears up. Jump back in, go for a little before it nearly locks up again.


I have no idea if I was causing issues for others in the lobby (it looks like the issues that I imagine the tow truck must have caused), but I gave it up fairly quickly.


Still, for those who own the Dump (probably few), don't call for it (or do if you want to see the game nearly break.) Maybe was just my experience, but the issue was severe enough to make me think it wasn't.

Edited by smokingndriving
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