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Are R* the best company out there?

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In terms of not ripping of their customers. I admit I have criticised them in the past (no one is perfect)

R* get allot of hate for micro transactions and such and not releasing heists on time but compare them to companies like Activision who with Destiny cut allot of content out only to resell it as DLC - now look at R* almost every month they have released free DLC when they could have waited and put it all together to charge people with it - and I know all the sheep would have gladly paid for it. For this I think R* are one of the few companies out there that actually care about their customers.

And previous GTA paid DLC has been worth it in my opinion. Like on GTA IV - completely new stories, made the game seem new

Edited by Adeel007
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They aren't exactly "The best", but they're a lot better than Ubisoft in my book. They actually seem to care more about their product than Ubisoft does. Inlcuding monthly updates, bug fixes (although new arrive for every fix, its not neglected just like that)


Hardly free DLC when its been put ingame on the next gen systems now is it, Basically those people who made the step up are paying for the stuff and its over a year now and we still don't have promised features, Go figure, Personally I think R* are getting like Ubisoft and EA. Since they can't get their sh*t working either its patch after patch after patch to fix guess what a broken patch.

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Not A Nice Person

Actually no, Compared to some developers I played with they suck in comparison, You can't just say they're "the best" because of free updates with 2 cars and a bit of clothing. And its probably just to fend them off for delaying Hists (As seen when Hipster came out).

I think they do a good job with bugs but they sorta flaw in that, As seen the game is having issues it shouldn't have, R* should've tested better. And they take terribly long on god mode glitches and other real game breaking stuff but patch the good ones that help benefit the game.

They make good games but this one showed their true colors.


To be honest, They're better than Ubisoft, But only by a bit, EA and Ubisoft both have good games but they're greedy as hell.

Edited by Yura'ndGames
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This is a joke, right? Rockstar's reputation precedes them by a mile at this point. There is no other game developer in the world who could get away with releasing a game where the online is delayed by two weeks and then literally unplayable for a week afterwards. They spent over a year lying about heists and have awful communication with their playerbase- at least ubisoft keeps a live stream of what they're doing to fix Unity right now.


As much as people may criticize "pay to win" game models, I would much rather play a game where some chump spends 60 dollars to unlock all the clothes and guns in the game than a game where you're constantly nudged towards paying for cashcards. In that respect, I prefer the microtransactions that EA has- present and clear, but still never intrusive. I've never played a game of Battlefield where I felt obligated to pay for a gun in order to avoid grinding, like in GTA:O's early days especially.


I do certainly wish that the PS4/XB:O version had been a bit lower priced (50-55 dollars new). The Last of Us was only 50 remastered. Of course there's a lot more added in to GTA's new version than The Last of Us, but it could've certainly used a small discount for returning players.


I still have faith in Rockstar and I hope that they listen to the playerbase for whatever their next game is. I'm still planning on getting GTA5 for PS4 on black friday, but I do feel that some of their decisions are a bit illogical/malicious towards the playerbase. It always feels like 3 steps forwards and 2 back in most updates.

Edited by M210F
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They used to be my fav game devs back in the day.... that rank deteriorated over the years to 'on the same level as Ubisoft'

How did they f*ck up bad enough to be as low as Ubisoft?

He's exaggerating. A lot. Only one company is as bad as Ubisoft, thats EA.

f*ck to the no.



But also depends how you define "best".


Either way, no.



Back in the IV and EFLC I was a r* fanboy - The game was great and so were the story expansions.


RDR - still a great game but their dlc fa**otry started by cutting out sh*t like online poker and racing to sell later as dlc. The Undead Nightmare dlc was stellar though.


Max Payne 3 - generic map packs and pay 2 win gear for dlc. Piss off.


V - get f*cked C*


Well I've been playing GTA for 17 years, not that I feel really old saying that or anything, and I do love Rockstar as a company.


I understand that for some people the lack of heists and numerous technical issues spoil the game for them, but for me I don't really give a sh*t. I probably got my money's worth about a hundred hours ago and I'm still playing it.


Yes they're not perfect but in the real world nobody is, and they consistently put out games that I love and live long in the memory.

I'm pretty sure you never tried to get in touch with their support because of game-breaking issues. Then again, you might have tried but couldn't in the first place because they removed any clear link from their support homepage to the support ticket site, which you now only find through google.


My guess as to why this is; Rockstar was flooded with support requests during the first year of GTAV and GTAO, most of which could not be fixed anyway because the massive fluctuation of devs and programmers left them with no one with the knowledge needed to dissect the spaghetti code that runs on their servers. So, to reduce the amount of complaints without fixing any of the actual issues, they simply decided to remove any clear path to their support ticket site. This is one of the most cynical reactions to an unhappy userbase that i have ever witnessed.


But be it as it is, don't go thinking that, just because you find out where to enter a ticket, you actually get any support. on my first 2 tickets it took them 1, respectively 2 months to get back to me with auto-generated messages based upon keywords, that had absolutely nothing to do with my issues.


With that experience in the back of my mind, i just had to enter another 2 support tickets now that i am on the xbox one; the first because my game crashes every time i get on the stats tab in online, the second because of massive framerate issues in SP. while i quickly (2 days) got instructions to delete and re-download game and xbox-live profile (the generic "you are at fault" answer to any issue), all communication seized when i told them that this did not fix anything. As for the 2nd ticket, i never even got a reaction in the first place. i kept on posting in the tickets, basically begging for help, but still, nothing. only after my 3rd post in the community section of their support forum i finally got some help, the usefulness of which is yet to be determined.


While i'm thankful i finally am talking to someone now who seems somewhat know what he's doing, it still is a damn shame how much effort it took to get to this point. so, best company out there? i don't know if that suggestion should make me laugh or cry.

Geralt of Rivia

This is sh*t, the title should be "R* are the best company out there" because anyone with a different opinion are geting shot down.

The only one getting shot down is the idiot who thinks R* is as bad as Ubisoft.


This is sh*t, the title should be "R* are the best company out there" because anyone with a different opinion are geting shot down.

The only one getting shot down is the idiot who thinks R* is as bad as Ubisoft.


Unless you're a PC gamer, I don't really get quite what's so bad about Ubisoft. This year has certainly not been their best, but Ubisoft makes very high quality games, very consistently. Unity was definitely released too early, but it's by no means unplayable- so far it's been my favorite game on PS4. It listened to what fans had been saying over the past few years and addressed what they said, and you can feel that in the game- the stealth mode, the open-endedness, the challenging combat... It's a great base game, and a few months from now it's going to be absolutely excellent. Ubisoft may get crap for annualizing the Assassin's Creed series, but damn if they haven't done a good job at it.


Watch_Dogs is the elephant in the room when talking about Ubisoft. By the time I got it I knew that it wasn't going to live up to the hype, and I started it knowing that. The game isn't bad, but its problem is that it isn't very good. If Ubisoft had spent more money on development and less on advertising, it could've been better, but I'm not one of the higher-ups there.


Overall, I've had excellent experiences with Ubisoft so far. You can scream "microtransactions" and "releasing games before they're ready" and "shafting PC gamers" and even "poor customer support" all you want, but if you're defending Rockstar in the next sentence I'm just going to pray that the irony of the situation isn't lost on you.

Ubisoft makes very high quality games, very consistently


I know what you're saying, but this part is simply not true. Their games can be very fun, yes, but they lack the necessary criteria to be 'quality' games. Buggy, unpolished, unoptimised, overpromising, repetitive - and you're missing out PC gamers because you're just focusing on the game, but any 'very high quality' game wouldn't be absolutely unplayable on any of the platforms it's released on. Their games simply don't scream 'high quality'.


Anyway, for the OP, a lot of what you're saying is that R* is good because they aren't completely sh*tty, which is...well...let's just say you're comparing to Activision, and the it's pretty hard to not be worse than Activision. And anyway, They messed up online for a good while, did the Valve 'soon' treatment to heists, and there are lot of people willing to tell you just how much they hate what shark cards have potentially done for online. There are many companies out there who are better with not pulling stuff like this.


Now, I could say how R* as a game developer (not business) are very good, but that's not the question.


They used to be my fav game devs back in the day.... that rank deteriorated over the years to 'on the same level as Ubisoft'

How did they f*ck up bad enough to be as low as Ubisoft?


-False advertising


-Cowering behind a crowd of lies


-Focusing more on online than what actually matters even though the online doesn't work


-Focusing more on beauty than fun even though they didn't even nail that part


-And lastly....Trevor



This is sh*t, the title should be "R* are the best company out there" because anyone with a different opinion are geting shot down.

The only one getting shot down is the idiot who thinks R* is as bad as Ubisoft.


The only one that SHOULD get shot down is the R* cock rider kissing ass all over the forums



They used to be my fav game devs back in the day.... that rank deteriorated over the years to 'on the same level as Ubisoft'



I hope you're not serious.


And I hope you're not a fanboy. But we both know you are huh?



So, apparently Raiden hates Rockstar and GTA V so much now but he still plays GTA V regularly and hasn't even played a Rockstar game before that, typical bandwagoner.

Edited by Ducard

Well let's not forget that R* is a development house, not a publisher. Take 2 is their publisher from behind the scenes. Although admittedly it's likely that R* has free reign to do whatever they like, Take 2 is probably smart enough to not get in their way and dictate the publishery stuff.


So, R* + Take 2. Compared to EA, Activision and Ubisoft they seem to be on top when it comes to "let's just make a good game". It doesn't really matter how talented the studios under those publishers are if they don't get time to fix their sh*t, or only get to release 4-hour dross campaigns or whatever.


Ubisoft in a way still seems to be trying to make good games, but they make too many screwups (UPlay, DLCs...) to command the respect they used to have. I still think the first AssCreed was a ballsy move, but then...


I'm not that familiar with Capcom, Deep Silver and Squenix honestly, but Squenix seems to have pretty good projects, don't they? Oh wait, TR2 is a Xbone timed exlusive. Never mind then.


Okay then, what about Sony and their studios? I think they definitely deserve kudos. They keep popping out indie stuff like Journey, experimental stuff like games from Team Ico and David Cage, and again I gotta mention Puppeteer which is pretty amazing. I don't see any other publishing/development house putting out stuff like that. Also none of those games have microtransactions or DLCs.


Okay so when it comes to actual games, I'd say R* under Take 2 is really really cool but if I were to rate a company, I'd rate Sony game studios higher.


Disclaimer: I don't care for multiplayer.

Edited by RogerWho
Geralt of Rivia



So, apparently Raiden hates Rockstar and GTA V so much now but he still plays GTA V regularly and hasn't even played a Rockstar game before that, typical bandwagoner.

Lol his examples were a joke.


"Focusing more on beauty than fun"




I bet he expected Game of the Generation, didn't get it, and hates R* for it.

Edited by TheMasterfocker

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