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Realistic slammed car meet right now add static TL (xbox1)

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Hello everyone im holding a slammed car meet in exactly one hour! I hold meets all the time so no im not some kid who knows nothing about meets so believe me they are Legit! I wanna lay down some rules for the meet! No Ricers Please No Supers all cars have to be Properly Slammed No Horrible Rims Or Horrible Paint Jobs Or Underglows this isn't 2 fast 2 furious -_-.... No killing or fighting This is a slammed car meet ONLY. We will be meeting up cruising and hard parking at various locations taking pictures racing drifting and just chilling! Please be respectable of everyones cars NO RAMMING or hitting cars pleaseeeee WE WAN'T TO MAKE THIS AS REALISTIC AS POSSIBLE. Like i said i hold meets all the time so add me if you wanna join some every day! Message (Static TL) for an invite on XBOX ONE!! trying to get a full lobby of 30 players and maybe even record some meets and upload to youtube!!! But anyways thanks guys and come chill and cruise with us!

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