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Single player neglect anyone?

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I like to think about the fun I'd have p,aging through SP on ps4, however, I just can't keep myself from playing online instead. I am unable to give it a go when I get time to play. Am I depriving myself of a valuable experience, or should I just feel confident inky affinity for GtaO?

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Ihavetried it, playedforhours on day 1 cause servers were all messed up, but I haven't done a thing on it since. Of course I know I'd like it, but the purpose of this thread is a thought about online addiction will keep me off SP indefinately

The fact that there's no mechanic, no pegasus, no merryweather, no lester, no random spawns of air vehicles and the personal vehicles/modded vehicles and garages are set up goofy. Those things really make me dislike single player.


I don't want franklin to drive a buffalo and I want a helicopter NOW.


So no other than animals and heists... youre not missing anything.

Edited by stonedpimpso

I really enjoy it. Completed it 2 or 3 times on the 360 and as the Xbox One lobbies are dead, I'm off to SP again. I do know what you mean though, once I got online on the old gen, I didn't ever go back. I tried a few times but I knew there was more fun to be had online. If you haven't completed it before, I suggest giving it a go if you can break free from the online addiction. It'll probably take a few days but could be worth it. I'm looking forward to getting a submarine and seeing the new sea creatures. Also, using the stock market with the assassin missions is awesome and the only way to buy the golf club I think.



The fact that there's no mechanic, no pegasus, no merryweather, no lester, no random spawns of air vehicles and the personal vehicles/modded vehicles and garages are set up goofy. Those things really make me dislike single player.


I don't want franklin to drive a buffalo and I want a helicopter NOW.


I agree with this though. I wish we could change the vehicle that we have assigned to each character.

Edited by Muse182
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The fact that there's no mechanic, no pegasus, no merryweather, no lester, no random spawns of air vehicles and the personal vehicles/modded vehicles and garages are set up goofy. Those things really make me dislike single player.


I don't want franklin to drive a buffalo and I want a helicopter NOW.


So no other than animals and heists... youre not missing anything.

Pretty much same as last gen besides graphics and animal eh? No new missions/side jobs?

I really enjoy it. Completed it 2 or 3 times on the 360 and as the Xbox One lobbies are dead, I'm off to SP again. I do know what you mean though, once I got online on the old gen, I didn't ever go back. I tried a few times but I knew there was more fun to be had online. If you haven't completed it before, I suggest giving it a go if you can break free from the online addiction. It'll probably take a few days but could be worth it. I'm looking forward to getting a submarine and seeing the new sea creatures. Also, using the stock market with the assassin missions is awesome and the only way to buy the golf club I think.



Should have specified that I have completed it on PS3 sorry

We do have a forum for SP GTA5, but 'kay.

I like SP. Killing Trevor's pretty neat.

I am aware of the single player forum, yet it is pretty easy to understand that I am addressing the ONLINE community with this question. Uptight member bossing people around Jesus tap dancing christ that gets annoying

I played the so to 40% during the long first week wait for only last years. The only time I've used it since was to save edit cars. Its pointless for them to add content to single player IMHO. Big waste of time. Even without servers I prefer to play online by myself with my own stuff.



We do have a forum for SP GTA5, but 'kay.

I like SP. Killing Trevor's pretty neat.

I am aware of the single player forum, yet it is pretty easy to understand that I am addressing the ONLINE community with this question. Uptight member bossing people around Jesus tap dancing christ that gets annoying

That's overly aggressive a response to a post that doesn't even tell you to go there. Defensive much?

At least when R* release the PC version of the game, the PC modders will bring back to the Singleplayer all the content that got chopped off from SP to they put only on Online to make people get bored from SP faster, play online and spend shark cards on all those hyper mega expensive ~$30000,00 masks and ~$50000,00 suits...

Edited by fefenc

I like how everyone ''intellectual'' hates Trevor. Like it somehow became a trend amongst the smart people, funnily enough one of the most smart members on this forum is actually obessed with Trevor.

I hated Trevor due to his cutscene transitions. Either starting on top of a mountain, police chase, wearing a dress or wearing undies gets very tiring.


But apart from that, he is a decent character throughout the story.

I like how everyone ''intellectual'' hates Trevor. Like it somehow became a trend amongst the smart people, funnily enough one of the most smart members on this forum is actually obessed with Trevor.


I find the dynamic of him being a whiny, over emotional bitch over sh*t that happened 10 years ago very tedious. He acts like a child, the whole "rawr I should kill you Michael" in every cutscene did not bring dramatic tension, it just became annoying.


Online obviously has a lot more replayability compared to SP.

Edited by 007_eleven
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I like how everyone ''intellectual'' hates Trevor. Like it somehow became a trend amongst the smart people, funnily enough one of the most smart members on this forum is actually obessed with Trevor.


I find the dynamic of him being a whiny, over emotional bitch over sh*t that happened 10 years ago very tedious. He acts like a child, the whole "rawr I should kill you Michael" in every cutscene did not bring dramatic tension, it just became annoying.



That's because it isn't meant to bring dramatic tension. That's just Trevor

When was the last time you gave your auntie a foot rub OP? Them corns ain't never bit nobody.


Hopefully I can get her drunk enough Thursday after the feast. I know I'll be in the mood

Have the same thing, but the other way around. I keep doing hists on SP, while thinking "I should really be ranking up Online". Still lvl 16, dammit

We'll all be heisting together soon my friend

So much GTA so little time.


Im trying to devote equal time to both. I want to finish the SP campaign again but at the same time I want to level up my new character and unlock some goodies. Having said that I spent about 4 hours last night just driving around trying to find some of those new modded NPC cars. Not really acheiving anything in the process. Its a good thing I have 2 months of long service leave coming up starting next week. ;)


The fact that there's no mechanic, no pegasus, no merryweather, no lester, no random spawns of air vehicles and the personal vehicles/modded vehicles and garages are set up goofy. Those things really make me dislike single player.

There's no griefing and chrome adders in single player. +1

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