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Bad Sport in relation to New Console Transfer

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Simple question, guys.


Does anyone know if you are in bad sport on 360/ps3 and you transfer to a new console, does the bad sport stick, or is it removed?


(Not for me but a friend I want to transfer over)



I'm stuck in the Bad Sport pool for 256 days on my primary account and it did transfer for both of my characters from Xbox 360 to Xbox One. There is no amnesty or Bad Sport status reset. It just continue from where you left on the Xbox 360 version. I won't get out of the Bad Sport before halfway in July 2015.


I'm considering to delete both of my character to get rid of the Bad Sport status, but I'm not sure if it is stored on my characters save or in my Rockstar Games Social Club account. If it is stored in my RGSC account then my new characters will also automatically become Bad Sport too if I delete previous characters. I have not tested this so I don't know. But I do know that if you become Bad Sport with just one character, then all characters on that RGSC account will automatically become Bad Sport too.

I hope it sticks







It won't. Bad Sport status have only 10 levels.


  1. 2 days
  2. 4 days
  3. 8 days
  4. 16 days
  5. 32 days
  6. 64 days
  7. 128 days
  8. 256 days (I'm currently at this level)
  9. 512 days
  10. 1024 days (Maximum level according to old JavaScript Object Notation document (tunables.json) that GTAO uses when connecting to prod.cloud.rockstargames.com (currently encrypted))



I hope it sticks






It won't. Bad Sport status have only 10 levels.


  • 2 days
  • 4 days
  • 8 days
  • 16 days
  • 32 days
  • 64 days
  • 128 days
  • 256 days (I'm currently at this level)
  • 512 days
  • 1024 days (Maximum level according to old JavaScript Object Notation document (tunables.json) that GTAO uses when connecting to prod.cloud.rockstargames.com (currently encrypted))
You gotta be a pretty big douce bag to get sent to bad sport 8 times.

You gotta be a pretty big douce bag to get sent to bad sport 8 times.

Not just that, also several times on each 6 different accounts...


I killed over 200 players today with the jet in an 3 hour long session, must be close to Bad Sport again.

Edited by PalmIsland!


You gotta be a pretty big douce bag to get sent to bad sport 8 times.

Not just that, also several times on each 6 different accounts...


I killed over 200 players today with the jet in an 3 hour long session, must be close to Bad Sport again.



I'm surprised players who just fly around for hours on end in the Lazer just wrecking every PV in the lobby again and again don't get bad sport faster. Plus, seems awfully expensive. I don't get the appeal personally and I was surprised to see so many people in Lazers wrecking PV's after BS came back (after it was removed a patch or two ago.)

Edited by smokingndriving



You gotta be a pretty big douce bag to get sent to bad sport 8 times.

Not just that, also several times on each 6 different accounts...


I killed over 200 players today with the jet in an 3 hour long session, must be close to Bad Sport again.


I'm surprised players who just fly around for an hour straight in the Lazer just wrecking every PV in the lobby again and again (which must get expensive as F) don't get bad sport faster.


Not all players use PV and much of the kills is from spawnkilling after you destroyed their PV. And I'm bankrupt on all 6 accounts. I have got used to play GTAO without money, it works excellent.

Crunch McThornbody

Am I right in calculating if you get 1024 days in bad sport that's just over 34 realtime days?


Bad sport days * realtime minutes per game day / minutes in an hour / hours in a day = realtime days in badsport

1024 ^ 48 / 60 24 = 34.1333


That's insane!

Am I right in calculating if you get 1024 days in bad sport that's just over 34 realtime days?


Bad sport days * realtime minutes per game day / minutes in an hour / hours in a day = realtime days in badsport

1024 ^ 48 / 60 24 = 34.1333


That's insane!


You are wrong.


Maximum Bad Sport sentence is 1024 days in real life, or 30720 GTAO days.

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