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Missions should start where the last one finished

Start missions further away?  

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So, this has been bugging me for a while, because R* keep changing it and it's ended up terrible.


When you start a mission, you either start at a predetermined place (e.g. the launch marker position) or you start wherever the host was in Free Roam when they accepted the mission.


When you start a mission from the Voting Screen, you always start at the launch marker, which tends to be right next to the job.


Instead, and especially now missions pay based on time, you should start wherever the host was when the last job ended.


This would


1) Increase mission payouts

2) Reward those of us with Miljets

3) Encourage more varied mission playthroughs - because you could swing by Fort Zancudo on your way from Paleto Bay to Blow Up III, for instance.


Plus other benefits.


So, I posted this.


Go on R*....



PS my other idea is "quick messages" on your phone for everyone playing the mission, for instance "meet at airfield" or "you need a helicopter for this job, are you blind?". Another could be "RR wtf".

Edited by Gridl0k

Missions should start in the same place, and should not involve driving across the whole map!


R* has screwed this up multiple times as a way to nerf missions. You had guys hosting Rooftop Rumble from the top of Mt. Chilidad. dumb!

Edited by jcph3
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It used to work like that OP, but R* wanted to stop mission whoring (Coveted, RTR, Defender), so along with removing the on-map spawning points for said missions, they made it so only picking missions from the vote screen would spawn up at the mission start location.

Edited by A Maned Wolf

As someone just posted in a playlist thread, you should now be able to playlist all missions, plus within that playlist start where the last job ended. You could basically build your own heists.


Do it R*..

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Yup, I wanna playlist all contact missions.


As for start locations, I couldn't care less. I've started in my own garage while everyone else in mission was at the location.



ps: here's my 5 contact mission playlist, http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/Ins7kEzir0KGp-MscpurJQ

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If that's the case, then I want to bring my Pegasus vehicle with me instead of paying for it all over again. I mean if we're talking continuity here....


This is a double-edged sword. You have people who use mission start points as a way to fast travel which R* wanted to prevent or you'll have trolling douchnozzles starting missions on top of Mt. Chillad.

Edited by hotrats773

you'll have trolling douchnozzles starting missions on top of Mt. Chillad.


Drive to Grapeseed/Paleto bay + get swift = 3 extra mins, tops, which you get paid for. And the benefits of a clever host (who for instance tends to end missions near an airfield, or Zancudo) outweigh the occasional jackassery.


you'll have trolling douchnozzles starting missions on top of Mt. Chillad.


Drive to Grapeseed/Paleto bay + get swift = 3 extra mins, tops, which you get paid for. And the benefits of a clever host (who for instance tends to end missions near an airfield, or Zancudo) outweigh the occasional jackassery.



Apples and oranges. I can handle starting at an airstrip or semi-flat area. Nine times out of ten though (with randoms, at least), it's a sheer cliff or some other place that forces me to spend a third of the mission falling, losing armor, falling...etc., Chaining missions is clever and I can get with that.

They should all start where the mission starts like they do from the mission selection, different rules for different menus = idiocy. That's how the game always was and that stops me from some stupid freak starting the mission from his garage all the way across the map.

Yeah whatever patch it was for a while you would always start at the mission marker. I prefered that as I like to utilize so called sh*tty rides not optimal for long distance. But at least we are payed for travel time though...

I get depressed just from thinking about starting a new mission from the place "Handle with Care" ends.

When I accept an invite to do a mission I know that there's the "where is the host?" risk involved but I get comfort from knowing that the next missions will start from a launch marker.
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I get depressed just from thinking about starting a new mission from the place "Handle with Care" ends.
When I accept an invite to do a mission I know that there's the "where is the host?" risk involved but I get comfort from knowing that the next missions will start from a launch marker.



That's something else R* have changed for the worse - mission invites originally told you how far the host was from the mission, whereas now it tells you how far you are from there, even though that's totally irrelevant.

Yeah whatever patch it was for a while you would always start at the mission marker. I prefered that as I like to utilize so called sh*tty rides not optimal for long distance. But at least we are payed for travel time though...

That's was EVERY patch until recently :). We aren't played for anything now. We are given some default coins per hour playing. Load of sh*t that should have been dropped the week after it happened if the community had of stood up united and complained. But we had a large number of idiots who swore they got more money this way. Just showed how's badly they were failing at the game. It was all very disappointing watching the game go down the can to the sad place its at these days. It was so much better six-12 months ago.

Edited by elfoam

Don't like your first idea. For one, what happens if the host ended their last mission while far out over the ocean? Does everyone get stuck out there with a massive swim to shore and/or have to waste a life each just to reach land? Or how about if they end way up in the air or down in the ocean? Would be interesting to see how deep people could swim, but other than that one time, it's just another griefer tool.


Quick messages are really needed, especially for those of us without mics.

Rockstar don't test their game.


And well, not everyone got spare 24 hours to play. So no.


Let the mission time lengthened for the combat wise, not for the driving from where you are to the mission site.

I'd definitely prefer this. Teleporting to mission start points removes any feeling on continuity in the game world.


O/T but I started a mission while I was in my Dodo in the middle of the Alamo Sea. Spawned at the bottom of the sea. So Pegasus vehicles which are out should definitely stay out!

Wanna start a mission somewhere at beach? Sure, I'm cool with that.


Wanna start a mission in the garage? Sure. Despite getting eye cancer after seeing fugly cars, I could still tolerate that.


Wanna start a mission on top of Mount Chillad? Eww, God. No, just no. :/

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