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need help on gta iv skeleton and 3ds max 2015

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hi, i´v been fiddling whit 3ds max 2015 and open iv + openformats I/O and gims + kams to get skeleton.

i did learn how to scale objects/models bigger and i found the skel file of the model but don´t know how to import it to 3ds max so i could scaled it to bigger.

also when i try to scale upper part of niko model to bigger as 20 meters high and 10 meters wide, it became smaller than original in the game and miss placed, i used modifier list and the ffd 2x2x2 command and alligned it whit the box whit 20m x10m x 10m correctly as tutorial showed in youtube.


my goal is get skel animation data in bigger scale so i could build whit trainer 6.5 and ingame objects huge robot, the texture could be missing all of it cause i don´t need it.


is this even possible whit these tools?

if there is some expert reading this and IF you could do this in couple of minute, would you? and share the skel animation whit me?

i´m not trying to learn hole game industry, all i just want is that big skeleton and the spine could be one part skeleton as in robots usually are.


or if anyone knows any tutorial what could help me in youtube or in forums what spesifically would show me how to get tha skel data on 3ds max i could try that ffd2x2x2 to it.

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