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Slammed/Stance car,

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Ive seen a few people having a snapmatic picture of their slammed/stance car on Current gen, (PS4)


Ive tried the old way by shooting the central point of the rims, 1 rim works, but whenever i start at the second rim, my

car just blows up. even though i got 100% armor.


Is there a special way or..?

Edited by TiiMeP
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Ive seen a few people having a snapmatic picture of their slammed/stance car on Current gen, (PS4)


Ive tried the old way by shooting the central point of the rims, 1 rim works, but whenever i start at the second rim, my

car just blows up. even though i got 100% armor.


Is there a special way or..?

Use a difference kind of gun to do it.

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