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GTA IV Ped names

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Thank you very much. Now, could you or someone else please tell me what this member of the Holland Hustlers is saying. I can only get the last bit of the phrase, which goes, "I´m drilling him." I can´t attach the audio file in this forum. It´s called 0x0A12D71D.wav

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From what I'm hearing he says "First slick sh*t ??? ???, I'm drilling him".
I can't tell what he is saying in between that, though.
He might be saying someone's name.


----- Edit -----

I think I got it now, after listening to it in slow motion in the VLC Media Player.

He is saying, "First slick sh*t I'ma do's 'mout, I'm drillin' him.
A translation of this would be "The first slick sh*t I'm doing when I get out is... I'm drilling him.".


So I guess they guy is saying that when he gets out of jail, he is going to shoot and kill somebody.

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Yes, I get the same thing when I play it in slow motion myself. Thanks again. :santa:


Now, this same thug says when he manages to land a blow on Niko when he fights him, "I´m gonna piss in your mouth when I´m done!"


Does he mean it literally, or is this threat a metaphor for something else. When Joey the Fat White Cop says, "I´m gonna sh*t in your mouth!", what he really means to say is, "I´m gonna accuse you of lying."


Does the Holland Hustler mean to say something else in his statement?

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The Holland Hustler probably means he'll piss in someone's mouth literally, the rest of his dialogue makes sound like he'd be ruthless enough to do it.

Joey the Fat White Cop is probably just running his mouth, the cops in the LCPD are perhaps considered a joke, in Liberty City.
If this was the LSPD however, then he might actually do it.

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The Holland Hustler probably means he'll piss in someone's mouth literally, the rest of his dialogue makes sound like he'd be ruthless enough to do it.

Joey the Fat White Cop is probably just running his mouth, the cops in the LCPD are perhaps considered a joke, in Liberty City.

If this was the LSPD however, then he might actually do it.


I had a feeling the Holland Hustler meant it literally. He sounds dead serious about it and after all, since our ancestors were apes, some of us still retain the foul habits of urinating and defacating on our enemies.


Now, please explain to me why "Big Dog", as this particular gang member is called says in FIGHT_01.WAV, "You ain´t know Big Dog could fight, huh?"


I know the word ain´t very well and none of the definitions that I read fit this phrase at all. Who at R* thought it would?

Edited by Pau Diaz
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I had a feeling the Holland Hustler meant it literally. He sounds dead serious about it and after all, since our ancestors were apes, some of us still retain the foul habits of urinating and defacating on our enemies.


Now, please explain to me why "Big Dog", as this particular gang member is called says in FIGHT_01.WAV, "You ain´t know Big Dog could fight, huh?"


I know the word ain´t very well and none of the definitions that I read fit this phrase at all. Who at R* thought it would?

He might be saying that because he decides to fight back after you hit him, rather than running away like some other pedestrians do.

He could also be saying this when he manages to land a hit on you.

Edited by UltraGizmo64
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