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Lost my returning player content.

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Went back online after the server outage, lost my imponte dukes and its not available on Southern San Andreas Super Autos anymore. Anyone else have this issue?

Yeah bud Rockstar Servers are Unavailable Right now i'm sure once they come back up everything will return.




Went back online after the server outage, lost my imponte dukes and its not available on Southern San Andreas Super Autos anymore. Anyone else have this issue?

Yeah bud Rockstar Servers are Unavailable Right now i'm sure once they come back up everything will return.

Servers appear to be up and running. I got online and my dukes was no longer in my inventory. Just checked Pegasus and my dodo is gone as well.



I've been waiting for three days on a response to my lost vehicles (online) upon transfer - absolutely no replies yet. They don't care, I think - why should anyone bother investing time/money when all could be lost from their errors? Sigh.

Call them 1-866-922-8694 the line is open 24 hrs a day. The phone reps are a hell of allot more receptive, and helpful than the few that patrol the R* support forums. I have CE items that never made the transfer over, called them up and it was escalated to a supervisor after I showed proof I was an actual owner. OP a problem like yours which is real will be ignored on the support forums, because Mike M, and Savannah are too busy fixing the squeakers misspelled license plates. The only 2 that are actually helpful there are Jonathan D, and Steve C, but I've barely seen them on there during all of this. So call them up it's your best bet at getting your ticket pushed through.

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