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Car Damage is WORSE now? (PS4)

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So I'm playing on PS4 and I can't seem to damage car doors anymore! I just tried it on the PS3 and ran full speed, hit the e-brake, and spun into a cement pillar and there was a huge dent in the door. Then I tried the same thing on PS4 and I got barely a small ripple. THAT IS PATHETIC! Why would they make the doors basically indestructible on PS4 when they damaged just like the rest of the car on the PS3?


I don't understand this.


Try it out for yourself. It's ridiculous.

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It's definitely significantly improved this time around. I can see every scratch and nick put into the car's paint. Furthermore, hitting traffic lights and poles causes them to fall onto the car, incurring more visible damage, which was completely absent from last gen versions


Someone will say rockstar lied, i'd bet my ps4 on it :p


It's better in ways, like the scratches, the way the car dents and stuff, but it's harder to crush cars now, which leads to less breaking your car during a mission and failing it, so it's an improvement :D

Edited by CarlitoDorito
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One nice touch though on the PS4 version is when you shoot a car window, you can put a nice big hole in the window, but it won't completely smash all the way out. I believe the entire window would break on the old-gen version. I noticed this when I was trying to shoot a cop. It struck me as odd at first because I wasn't ready for it.


EDIT: I just tried this on PS3... although you can shoot the glass multiple times, the holes aren't round... they're jagged and random. On the PS4, the hole will be round and appear exactly where you shot.

Edited by just-a-spaz

^yeah, it's done so the interior doesn't take damage. Kinda stupid if you ask me, they could've instead added an animation where the character shifts his body to the right a bit if the door gets too crushed in on him. And there's already a ducking animation that could've been implemented the same way if the rood caved in.

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Those kind of details are great yeah. But i still find other things in IV when it comes to car damage more realistic. When i go full frontal into another car, the front of my car should show a clear result, many times now it seems completly intact or just slightly damaged. I remember the complaints about this last year on september 17, and that has not really changed much, it seems.


The front and back get damaged quite well now, actually a bit like 4, but i don't think you can cave in the roof or sides, which is a shame, but not the worst thing in the world. All the parts that came off from before still do, the rest is definitely improved. It could be so much worse, like saints row, which is just horrible.

Edited by CarlitoDorito

The front and back get damaged quite well now, actually a bit like 4, but i don't think you can cave in the roof or sides, which is a shame, but not the worst thing in the world. All the parts that came off from before still do, the rest is definitely improved. It could be so much worse, like saints row, which is just horrible.

You can crush in both (test it with a tractor - it works)



The front and back get damaged quite well now, actually a bit like 4, but i don't think you can cave in the roof or sides, which is a shame, but not the worst thing in the world. All the parts that came off from before still do, the rest is definitely improved. It could be so much worse, like saints row, which is just horrible.

You can crush in both (test it with a tractor - it works)


On ps4/xbox one?


Realistic isn't the word. GTA IV's damage isn't more realistic. It's just "more".


Anyway, first person view. Door or roof get pushed in too far, clips the camera. I guarantee this is why doors and roofs don't get crushed as easily.


My Dukes took one hell of a beating, but the doors and roof made it out OK.




Of course, it does have a full stunt cage.

Realistic isn't the word. GTA IV's damage isn't more realistic. It's just "more".


Anyway, first person view. Door or roof get pushed in too far, clips the camera. I guarantee this is why doors and roofs don't get crushed as easily.


My Dukes took one hell of a beating, but the doors and roof made it out OK.




Of course, it does have a full stunt cage.

I know it's off topic but I wish you could change the colour of the roll cages on the Dukes, the yellow colour doesn't really go with the body colour unless it's yellow, orange or black. The cage should just be black, it goes with any colour you can think of. I like how the stunt cage adds the "Highway Reaper" decal though.

Edited by 79'Blazer4x4


Realistic isn't the word. GTA IV's damage isn't more realistic. It's just "more".


Anyway, first person view. Door or roof get pushed in too far, clips the camera. I guarantee this is why doors and roofs don't get crushed as easily.


My Dukes took one hell of a beating, but the doors and roof made it out OK.




Of course, it does have a full stunt cage.

I know it's off topic but I wish you could change the colour of the roll cages on the Dukes, the yellow colour doesn't really go with the body colour unless it's yellow, orange or black. The cage should just be black, it goes with any colour you can think of. I like how the stunt cage adds the "Highway Reaper" decal though.



Oh wait, this must be the normal cage, I couldn't remember which one was which. But yes I agree, the cages need to be black.

Edited by MichiganMuscle77

The damage in V is a little strange at times. (Including last gen) I could destroy a car better with a knife, a bat and kicking. Meanwhile car on car damage would be minimal.(For the most part)


But the damage model is there.(In fact possibly better than IV) It just takes longer and more odd ways to get to that point. I've caved in the roof of cars with a knife online for example.

Edited by NYC PATROL

Eh? Damage seems more detailed on PS4 compared to PS3.


It is. Panels don't just smash in, they actually crumple. See in my pic how the metal is wavy?


It all looks better and more realistic, but people for some reason want their cars to crumple into tin foil balls when they bump a light post because they're masochists or something I guess. Me personally? I prefer to not have to switch cars every 2 blocks because I made a small error in my driving.



The front and back get damaged quite well now, actually a bit like 4, but i don't think you can cave in the roof or sides, which is a shame, but not the worst thing in the world. All the parts that came off from before still do, the rest is definitely improved. It could be so much worse, like saints row, which is just horrible.

You can crush in both (test it with a tractor - it works)


On ps4/xbox one?



  • Like 4

^yeah, it's done so the interior doesn't take damage. Kinda stupid if you ask me, they could've instead added an animation where the character shifts his body to the right a bit if the door gets too crushed in on him. And there's already a ducking animation that could've been implemented the same way if the rood caved in.

This. Instead of ruining the damage by just taking out the possibility to deform the roof or doors, they could of implemented something like this. Even racing games such as Grid and Dirt do it well and we expect perfection from Rockstar. Unfortunately they dumbed it down further. Try crashing the side of a car into a train in ps3 and then Ps4 and you will notice the downgraded damage. Only the scratches look better and rest is ruined.


Anyway it seems like only a little amount of people care about damage and always come up with an excuse such as " it's better as you don't have to switch cars". For people who care it's a huge bummer. I still remember before V's launch people use to post BeamNg videos and say next gen car damage will be something like this. It was not expected to be like that but still atleast an improvement over IV was expected but it actually got worse. I still love the game though but this flaw just makes crashing unenjoyable and rolling a car will never be like what it use to be without the roof crumpling.

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They seriously dumbed down the cars so that moronic children could play with more ease and less cry, take multiple beatings to start wrecking your car, it's gotta be some sort of scripting, like the extreme TCS scripting, it's just horrible the vehicles should just be what they are, a tin can with a happy rear end, not this glued to the ground bs

  • Like 2



Realistic isn't the word. GTA IV's damage isn't more realistic. It's just "more".


Anyway, first person view. Door or roof get pushed in too far, clips the camera. I guarantee this is why doors and roofs don't get crushed as easily.


My Dukes took one hell of a beating, but the doors and roof made it out OK.




Of course, it does have a full stunt cage.

I know it's off topic but I wish you could change the colour of the roll cages on the Dukes, the yellow colour doesn't really go with the body colour unless it's yellow, orange or black. The cage should just be black, it goes with any colour you can think of. I like how the stunt cage adds the "Highway Reaper" decal though.



Oh wait, this must be the normal cage, I couldn't remember which one was which. But yes I agree, the cages need to be black.


they dont need to be black they need to be customizeable. In GTAO last year I had a coquette all white with a lime green roll cage. Looked amazing.


To OP: I sate here for a while trying to dent this door in with weapons and kicking it etc etc.... this was the result before the truck would not start anymore... it is pretty pathetic, how denting a door and not really making a dent at all will destroy your engine too...




Edited by TrevorEffingPhillips

They seriously dumbed down the cars so that moronic children could play with more ease and less cry, take multiple beatings to start wrecking your car, it's gotta be some sort of scripting, like the extreme TCS scripting, it's just horrible the vehicles should just be what they are, a tin can with a happy rear end, not this glued to the ground bs

Someone said it's because of first person, it probably is.

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They seriously dumbed down the cars so that moronic children could play with more ease and less cry, take multiple beatings to start wrecking your car, it's gotta be some sort of scripting, like the extreme TCS scripting, it's just horrible the vehicles should just be what they are, a tin can with a happy rear end, not this glued to the ground bs

Someone said it's because of first person, it probably is.


Yeah it's definitely because of first person. But they could have found a better solution instead of taking damage out completely.


f*cking hell. They really need to redo how the car takes actual internal damage, a HUGE head on crash should destroy a car unless you get armor/reinforcements on it and then it should be able to take a bit more but not a HEAP, it's really not that hard to not crash that often. Kicking a door destroys the engine but flipping 10 times and crash at 150MPH into a concrete barrier and it's still fine??


I realise it's a game and "realism" isn't the best thing but GTA parodies reality, why can't things like this be a similar more game version of reality? :(


Using euphoria to fluidly animate around the damage inside the car is a fantastic idea though, hopefully we'll see these things in the next GTA

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