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[Xbox One] Game Crashing/Freezing on "The Big Score"

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I'm having issues trying to do The Big Score using the obvious option. I have all the setup finished, but whenever I go to the strip club to start the mission, if I try to skip the cutscenes, the game freezes and goes into infinite loading. If I let the cutscenes finish, I spawn as Michael outside, get in the car and drive to the objective marker at the bank, but as soon as I hit the objective circle, it basically just disables my car and "freezes" me. Michael can't do anything but honk and switch weapons, I've been able to get people to pull me out of the car and I could run around, but if I get back in, I'm frozen again. The mission simply will not continue after that. I really don't want to have to restart the game at this point. I have tried starting the mission as all 3 characters, same result every time.

Has anyone else had this issue, and have you been able to solve it?


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I'm having issues trying to do The Big Score using the obvious option. I have all the setup finished, but whenever I go to the strip club to start the mission, if I try to skip the cutscenes, the game freezes and goes into infinite loading. If I let the cutscenes finish, I spawn as Michael outside, get in the car and drive to the objective marker at the bank, but as soon as I hit the objective circle, it basically just disables my car and "freezes" me. Michael can't do anything but honk and switch weapons, I've been able to get people to pull me out of the car and I could run around, but if I get back in, I'm frozen again. The mission simply will not continue after that. I really don't want to have to restart the game at this point. I have tried starting the mission as all 3 characters, same result every time.[/size][/color]

Has anyone else had this issue, and have you been able to solve it?


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