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List of missions that contain sexual contents

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Hi everyone, I'm new here so let me introduce myself !
I love videogames since I'm 16, you know, I played snes and nintendo 64 and in 2001, I played GTA III. Since that day, I played every gta games (except the IVth :lol: ) but right now, I bought gta v on my ps4 and I've got kids, they love watching me playing so, can somebody give me a list of scenes that contain sexual content like stip clubs, peoples getting laid, peoples getting nude, or even just girls in sexy outfits, if you know what I mean, so I can skip them; I don't want my kids to see this kind of things.
Thanks you everyone and have a good day ! :)

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I guess it will be difficult for people to remember ALL of what you're talking about, and even harder for you to remember what you were told when playing the game. You can pause during cutscenes, and most of them can be skipped so I think it might be easier for you just to sit with a trigger finger hovering over the skip/pause button ready to strike rather than creating a list.

why just NOT play in front of them. your committing hundreds of other crimes in the game, sexual scenes should be the last thing you dont want your kids to see

Edited by K20
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Detective Phelps

Just realised that you've been playing since 16. I thought you were 16 years old and have kids already. :lol:

I apologise for the mistake.



-Spoilers ahead-










There's a few missions set in the strip clubs whilst playing as Trevor. Aside from that, going there is optional.

As for hookers, they are optional.


Trevor does go nude for a split second, and there are females showing off their tits at the playboy mansion (you don't visit it in the story). Trevor also bangs Ashley in the cutscene of his first mission, which is after the first heist. There's also a mission where you torture someone.


I recommend that you don't show this game to your kids.

Edited by Detective Phelps
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Mr. Philips and then there's a Strangers & Freaks mission named Paparazzo - The Sex Tape.

There's a mission of Franklin in which it shows the Strip Club (You can see that part in Franklins trailer too)

Then there's a torture mission which freaked me a lot. It's scary to see Trev do such a thing! :panic: You don't want no kids to see that part.

Edited by Kevin3014

Skip everything and get lbp3 for them. I'm not squeamish about games or kids playing them. Most so called 18+ games are really geared towards teens. GTA isn't.


Even if you skip all the cutscenes and overtly sexual missions. You still might get chased by naked hillbillies, dicks flapping around in full HD, witness random rape scenes, spawn into the strip club staring at boobs.


The torture mission is real.

  • Like 2
Detective Phelps

I guess you guys are right, I'll just skip all the cutscenes !


That will ruin your experience.

Just play the game whilst they are sleeping.

detective phelps -> I started playing games when I was 16, right now, I'm over 30. You should read everything before insulting me.
Kampret -> Thank you ! :lol:
ramtastic -> I will play this mission during the night !

By the way, I heard there were unskippable cutscenes, is that true ? :blink:


I bet he's 16, has no kids and simply wants to see some cyber tits.

And dat nickname...


He said he played video games SINCE he was 16. Not that he's 16.


And I'm 95 and I play games since I was 46. Do you believe me?


Come on, this guy's nickname is OG Gangsta, has signed up on the forums 2 days ago and his 2nd post is about sexual content.


detective phelps -> I started playing games when I was 16, right now, I'm over 30. You should read everything before insulting me.

Kampret -> Thank you ! :lol:

ramtastic -> I will play this mission during the night !


By the way, I heard there were unskippable cutscenes, is that true ? :blink:

Yep. The torture mission is unskippable. Character transition cutscenes aren't, random events happen in-game.


Oh and did I mention that literally everything is a dick joke?

detective phelps -> thank you ! Also, I understand your reaction, I would freak out too if somebody was 16 with 2 kids :lol:
iKonrad -> My nickname is a parody of OG-loc, he was quite funny, in my opinion :p And I like 90's gangsta rap, too.

theworldfamous -> Did seth macfarlane wrote this game ? :D Btw, I will play with my headphones !

  • Like 1

Oh, wait, I've got a last request !

I heard of a mission where a dog is banging another dog and I also heard of a mission where Trevor gets nude. What are their names ?

first one is called "chop" and it's one of the early missions

second one is called "Scouting The Port" and it's during the middle of the storyline (i think).

Oh, wait, I've got a last request !

I heard of a mission where a dog is banging another dog and I also heard of a mission where Trevor gets nude. What are their names ?


1. Chop

2. Scouting the Port.


Both are cutscenes. Easily skippable.

No mission is appropriate for kids. The sh*t Trevor says is far worse than any sexual content in the story. I played VC when it was released, I was 12 and knew it was a little inappropriate for me but that game was super tame compared to the sh*t in V.

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