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Rockstar should have given us a hard or realistic or simulation mode o

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For the remastered version of GTA V, they put something like that in Red Dead Redemption.

Also yes I know the idea of a game where the player commits the crimes that the player does or gets shot like the player does and ends up fine is not entirely realistic but in terms of city, traffic, AI, and the amount of things you can do in this game and the new first person mode, this game pretty much destroys every other game in it's genre in terms of depth and realistic features, and the game is starting to remind me of a much better, much more polished version of a simulator game called ARMA that was on the computer.

Right now, we can turn on free aim, we can turn off the HUD and radar, we can set up rules in our head about what our character can and cannot do, and the player can role play but you still will come around somethings that would be cool to change to make the game a bit more realistic or a bit harder.

1) First person pretty much all the time/ No HUD/Radar/Auto aim ( this can all be turned off already but on hard or realistic mode this would be set up on default )

2) Get rid of regenerating health.

3) Cut the players health in half.

4) Make it so cars get damaged quicker.

5) Make it so cars require fuel.

6) Make it so car accidents hurt the player.

7) Make it so cars are heavier and have less control.

8) Make it so the enemy AI is less accurate at shooting ( to counter balance the less health and because enemy AI is to accurate of a shot in the regular game ) but smarter and takes cover and provides cover fire to help set up flanking for the other AI that works with them.

9) Make it so ammo and weapons are more expensive and ammo is a lot harder to come by so you have to pick your shots more and run out of ammo more often.

10) Make it so the police use spike strips and tear gas more often.

These things are all pretty much possible in the game and wouldn't really require much more resources to be used and wouldn't take much time to change and are probably the difference in a few lines of coding R* should have given users the options for this

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That's not how it works. The things you mentioned are simply the things they didn't want to put in or didn't think about. You also have to think about the fact that the CPU's are pretty weak on these consoles, the XB1 CPU is slightly higher clocked than the PS4's while the PS4's GPU is better than the XB1's GPU, so the enemy AI tweaks that you mentioned as well as the police one suggests that IMO that might actually cause a bottleneck for the consoles because too many things would be processed in the programming behind the background. But like I said, the rest are purely subjective. Correct me if I'm wrong in anyway.

Lethal Vaccine

6) Make it so car accidents hurt the player.


And what happens when I fly out of the windshield and get wasted?

White Hot Speed

I'd love a HC mode, I'd also like a locked 30fps (possibly 35-40) / 720P option. And to have them remove the god-awful analog sticks' deadzones, and assistless free-aiming would be much more precise, even at high sensitivities.


The deadzones are the #1 problem with V imo. And a very easy fix.



Make no mistake... I love this game. These are just improvements I'd personally love to see. And improvements I'm quite aware, that I won't.



6) Make it so car accidents hurt the player.


And what happens when I fly out of the windshield and get wasted?


Was talking about normal car accidents.




Why would you want to play like that? GTA is all about comic fun not serious simulation.

Because I prefer serious simulator games, and the crime game or free roam genre doesn't really have any, surprisingly GTA IV and GTA V are far and a way easily the best at allowing someone to play the game in a somewhat sim way.

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