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XB1 - Motorcycle Rally - Conquistadors MC

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Hi everyone,


Thank you for your interest in my topic and reading below announcement.


Conquistadors MC are organising a Motorcycle Rally that will take place on Friday 28th November at 9PM GMT (UK Time).


The rally will take place on XB1 and the meeting point for all the bikers is going to be the car park next to the pier. It's at the initial meeting point that the introductions will take place. From there the rally will continue in an organised convoy through some of the most iconic locations of Los Santos and Blaine County. Event is likely to last anywhere between 1-2 hr, although it is quiet possible that it will take us longer.


This is going to be a fantastic opportunity for a lot of MCs to meet each other and see who has come over to XB1. Great time to meet friends and make alliances.


For one night, all the feuds and wars should be suspended to make this an enjoyable event for everyone.


It is also great opportunity to take plenty of pictures.


There are only a few rules:

1. Please only ride motorcycles

2. No guns

3. No killing, unless we organise a friendly punch up

4. When riding together, please follow the rally organisers and convoy leaders, once on road no overtaking, this will make journey safer

5. Conquistadors MC will provide convoy leaders as well as security at the back of the convoy to ensure nobody gets lost.

6. MAX members per club 8, this may be increased or decreased as we get closer to the date, all depending on demand

7. ALL MCs are welcome, this is one night when all the wars shall be suspended and strict cease fire as well as any verbal abuse shall be enforced



PLEASE send a friend invite to GT: BeDoomed to ensure that you are included in the event. Please also send me a short message that explains that you would like to be included and how many members are coming.



And last but not least, as a token of gratitude to everyone who attends, IF we get a full lobby of 30 people I will personally donate £50 to Cancer Research UK, the proof of donation will be posted on here.


Thank you for reading and ride safe


Best Regards


Vice President of Conquistadors MC






Attendance List:

1. BeDoomed - Conquistadors MC

2. Teco - Conquistadors MC

3. Spikey - Conquistadors MC

4. Warjo - Conquistadors MC

5. DeathRebel - Conquistadors MC

6. Kachkowski - BRONTE

7. GrizzlyBeaks - BRONTE

8. ECSO SCOTT - Roaming Souls MC

9. GETTIN GASH - Roaming Souls MC

10. Eldiabloloco - Roaming Souls MC

11. Roaming Souls MC

12. Roaming Souls MC

13. Roaming Souls MC

14. Roaming Souls MC

15. Roaming Souls MC

16. Un Cubano Loco

17. dannybrett6

18. A3jan - No Surrender NL

19. Martelaar83 - No Surrender NL

20. BennyBadSlipper - No Surrender NL

21. Dyonide - Voodoo Riders MC

22. Soaring Mamba - Voodoo Riders MC

23. VFFV_xDOSE - Voodoo Riders MC

24. European Dream - Dark Lake MC

25. Dark Lake MC

26. Dark Lake MC

27. Dark Lake MC

28. || Curse ||

29. THE LOBO3 - Voodoo Riders MC prospect



Reserve list:




Edited by BeDoomed
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I'm down for this! I use a mic also. I might have another friend who may be interested as well


Thank you for your interest, may I have your and your friends Xbox GT and the MC which you are in please? So I can add you to the list above.

To keep people in the loop, if this rally is a success, the next event will be a Toy Run for Children in Need charity. During this event the bikers convoy will visit all the hospitals, schools and nurseries in GTA5.


Same as with currently planned event I will make a donation to the charity if the lobby is full, at the same time I would encourage those more fortunate than others to also donate to their chosen charities, even if it's a symbolic £1 or $1. Thank you for your support.

This is fantastic, just over 48hrs and we already have 18 attendees.


Sign up please folkes, if I get more than 30 requests I will create first come first invited reserves list in case of anyone that can't make it at short notice.


If anything, this is for a good cause. If we get a full lobby, I will donate £50 to Cancer Research UK, evidence of which will be posted on this forum after the event.


Thank you

Come on guys and girls, only 9 places left. Sign up and let's make this the biggest biker rideout R* has seen on GTA.


And let's make it to 30 because that £50 is burning a hole in my pocket waiting to be donated.


The whole event will be streamed on Twitch.

Our President Backwood just donated €10 to the Pink Ribbon charity in Finland, which combats Breast Cancer. Thank you Backwood!!!


One of our prospects has been very kind in supporting this cause and is donating £10 to Cancer Research.


Total Donations:

Cancer Research - £60 (will be sent from BeDoomed on Friday when total is tallied up)

Pink Ribbon Charity (Finland) - €10



'Bikers against cancer, let's f*ck cancer up'




If a moderator reads this, may I kindly ask you to change the topic title to 'Bikers against cancer - Motorcycle rally - X1' please? Thank you.

Edited by BeDoomed

So not long to go and only 3 places left for this event, sign up folkes, reserves list is also going to be open just in case someone from original list can't make it.


It's already looking like it's going to be a great evening.


Feel free to stream the event on Twitch, I know I will.

So I have just donated £60 that I have collected to Cancer Research UK, if I can just get the picture uploaded ;-/...


I have cropped it as I didn't want the reference number public, in case it leads to any personal data.


The following link will lead you to the Flickr page where the photo of the donation proof is posted :)



Also to notify everyone, There have been a number of donations from our friends in US.


Namely, ECSO SCOTT has been very kind in offering to donate to cancer charity of his clubs members choosing, a great sum of $100


Also, another gentleman on the rideout has offered to donate $200, I am sorry but I didn't recognise the voice that said it, if you would be so kind to post in here if it was, this would be great :). Unless it is you Dyonide, because I know you have been asking me for the link of where we are donating :)




Watch this space as we WILL do this again, hopefully with less connectivity issues, come on R* lets get these stable 30 player lobbies soon.

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