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[fix] For Missing returning content!

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For all the people missing their returning content ie; buy-able cars hatchet and plane
This is how I fixed my problem..


Why This Happens:
problem is, it says to be a returning player you must have a save of the prologue in xbox 360 or ps3,


What Happened To Me:
i completed the game on my ps3 then had to use my sons ps3 as mine died.. so i did the first hiest and then went online after the Michael see's shrink.

This then updated the social club site saying I have never completed the prologue.


The Fix:
for this is login to any ps3/Xbox360 login into gta complete the prologue up to where franklin steals the bike and it will unlock the content on your PS4/XBOX One, Login to your PS4/XBOX One and play for about 3 minutes and you will get the message welcoming me back to Los Santos!


Edited by dravenbaron
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do you know anyone who still has it?


All you have to do is login to their console and complete prologue.. as social club is still linked to your story progress not your online data


And heres the piss take I had to tell rockstar about it..



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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have sent this information to our Bug Team for testing.

Rockstar Reply

Scott E.Quote Reply 2 hours ago Share Report


Edited by dravenbaron

do you know anyone who still has it?


All you have to do is login to their console and complete prologue.. as social club is still linked to your story progress not your online data


And heres the piss take I had to tell rockstar about it..


Answer Avatar

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have sent this information to our Bug Team for testing.

Rockstar Reply

Scott E.Quote Reply 2 hours ago Share Report



A buddy of mine at work said he would load it up for me and do the mission. I have a feeling that it won't work for me though lmao

Good thing I'm planning on keeping my Xbox 360 copy to play with friends who haven't upgraded. However, I already beat the game.


Does this mean I should start a new game and play through the prologue and maybe the first couple of missions to have the best chances of success?

Bump for people who can use the search function...


Could admin pin this please..


As this is the ONLY working fix

I've got a buddy that's doing this for me today. Do i need to fool with unlinking and relinking my GT from the social club?

Nope it just needs to be a completed prologue save on a ps3 or xbox360..


Ended up borrowing my brothers 360 last night, played the story until I stole the bagger with Lamar and Franklin. Saved, started up the xbox one version, played for about 3 minutes and I got the message welcoming me back to Los Santos! Fix definitely works, and I couldn't be happier with my awesome Dukes, Hatchet, and DoDo!


Think this will work if I can't get online?

You have to be able to get online even if your banned from the online game as it pulls the activation from the social club servers..

My game is messed up every time I try to join an online game for X1 it says "timed out locating session" if you could find a fix for this Id love you forever

  • 4 weeks later...

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