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3 Easy way to make GTA 5 better

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1-More customization

People want to make things unique, its hard to do that when everything you can buy is preset. In SR you could buy a shirt and then choose colors and designs for it, R* doesn't allow this which is a shame because just buy allowing us to change the color it would allow the quantity of clothing to increase. This implies to car and gun customization too, R* made midnight club so they know how to do car customization I'm not sure why it lacks so much in this game. Lastly when it comes to guns there should be different type of scopes and grips for guns and stuff, especially now if we have 1st person.


2-Bring back the classics!


-Glock 22 from GTA 4

-1911 from GTA SA

-Colt Python from Vice City

-Tec-9 from GTA SA

-Spas 12 from GTA SA

-Assault shotgun from GTA Lost and The Damned

- AR-10 from GTA 3

-Deer Rifle from GTA 4

-PSG-1 from GTA 4

-Sawn off shotgun from GTA lost and The Damned



- Tampa

-Polaris V8 (coupe model)


-Super GT

-Bobcat from GTA 4



-Splitz-6 ATV

-Hover Craft

-Jet Pack



I wasn't expecting an entire overhaul of new physics but I hate how you can't do anything near what you could in GTA 4. It may be because R* thinks Trevor free running would look silly but however I think its pretty bad when watch dogs has a better parkour system. I'm not saying redo the entire thing but at least give us what we had in GTA 4, in that game you could actually run and jump building to building, in fact there's a mission where you have a rooftop chase. In GTA 5 that chase would result in you tripping and falling off the edge or landing wrong hitting your head and dying.


Yeah this is another whine list but in all honesty by doing these 3 things would solve a lot of issues with the game without having to change the story, like all of this is possible in a DLC.

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These are actually nothing new to read. R* too, understands that. But, they seem to be still busy over trying to improve something else, than what they would be pretty much focused on more sh*t to offer -- had there was only one goal; single-player.

Another easy way; stop focusing more on the ONLINE sh*t.

weapons, vehicles and physics????? No No No No No, 3 ways to make gta v better, in no particular order, Vigilante missions with max armour boost as reward, Paramedic missions with max health boost as reward, firefighter missions with the classic fireproof reward.......... Oh and a fourth too, weapons at safehouse after collecting x amount of collectales (think it used to be new weapon for every 10 hidden packages)


Watch Dogs had nothing better than GTA!


Your cars were sticked to the ground no matter how fast you crash..Nothing happened. But if your car gets overhead, you will magicly spawn outside your car..WOW!! Lame bullsh*t..

Watch Dogs was a lameass copy of GTA and nothing more.


And climbing and sh*t was also pretty lame. You couldn't enter any roof of a skyscraper..

Can you tell me your favorite building or favorite street in watch dogs? No? Probably because there is none! And if there was, then you couldn't tell me because there are no street names and everything is lame as anonymous.


They tried to f*ck Rockstar and Rockstar will now f*ck Ubisoft for stealing their ideas. :r*:

Edited by dschuTheDamaja
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That's mostly just more stuff. I'd say GTA has plenty of stuff already.


Parkour, pff...cheap prebaked animation trick. Nothing dynamic or impressive about it. Repeat, a 'parkour' system doesn't involve any physics, at all. You're asking for less physics and return to an old, technically inferior system.


The rest of your requests are for more stuff in the game that already has the most stuff out there. And purely for nostalgic reasons, too. GTA has never lacked in nostalgia and if that doesn't happen to be your particular nostalgia..then, tough.

Edited by theworldfamous
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This stuff is all stuff that could be put into one DLC and all of a sudden we would have more variety than we have now. Okay I really didn't mean a parkour system were you could do flip and s**t but more or less have the same ability Niko had in GTA 4. GTA 5 while amazing is lacks a good story for the characters and really no emotional drive for the campaign to continue, these ideas are just stuff that would spice up the GTA life.

You're really understimating jumping in this game, also I doubt adding a sh*tload of guns that would now just serve a cosmetic porpuse rather than being useful would add up anything.

Underestimating the jumping? When you jump in this game, you faceplant like a retard. You can only jump onto a building lower than the building you're standing on, or else you just faceplant. In SA and IV you could jump and hang onto buildings which actually made jumping useful and parkour possible. The jumping is a huge step backwards from the previous GTAs, admit it. Why do you always defend even the bad stuff about GTA V?

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Officer Ronson


You're really understimating jumping in this game, also I doubt adding a sh*tload of guns that would now just serve a cosmetic porpuse rather than being useful would add up anything.

Underestimating the jumping? When you jump in this game, you faceplant like a retard. You can only jump onto a building lower than the building you're standing on, or else you just faceplant. In SA and IV you could jump and hang onto buildings which actually made jumping useful and parkour possible. The jumping is a huge step backwards from the previous GTAs, admit it. Why do you always defend even the bad stuff about GTA V?


The whole faceplanting like a retard happens if misscalculated when to exactly jump, characters don't just stretch their arms while falling in mid air and grapple from a building like they did in previous games. I admit it's not the best idea but the jumping in this game ins't exactly how you're making it out to be.

weapons, vehicles and physics????? No No No No No, 3 ways to make gta v better, in no particular order, Vigilante missions with max armour boost as reward, Paramedic missions with max health boost as reward, firefighter missions with the classic fireproof reward.......... Oh and a fourth too, weapons at safehouse after collecting x amount of collectales (think it used to be new weapon for every 10 hidden packages)

This yo. But to be realistic, I don't see new modes being added unless the dlc will be like eflc, which added new mini games and mission types.


Personally a simple tweak like making silenced weapons give no stars no matter who as long as there are no witnesses, would go a long way in the way the game can be played. Stuff like that improves the game, not materialistic stuff like more cars and guns.

weapons, vehicles and physics????? No No No No No, 3 ways to make gta v better, in no particular order, Vigilante missions with max armour boost as reward, Paramedic missions with max health boost as reward, firefighter missions with the classic fireproof reward.......... Oh and a fourth too, weapons at safehouse after collecting x amount of collectales (think it used to be new weapon for every 10 hidden packages)



Yeah I'm missing that too.


A few new and classic gta vehicles would be nice.


And buyable house like SA.



But they really should have gone futher with the heists story wise (I know heists are coming to online)


Putting in Las Venturas, and having missions like in the movies Italian Job (last heist is kinda like it), Oceans movies, Gone in 60 sec (loved that car steal mission that is already in game) Tower Heist :p or even the F&F movies.


I'm really missing casino heists, museum heist, think they could have gone a lot futher with that.


Will see what dlc brings, will probally be good but I don't expect too much.

Edited by JForce06

1. Purchasable Safe houses - Even if each character can only buy a couple. Beach house for Michael. Penthouse for Franklin. Cabin for Trevor.


2. Insurable/ trackable cars - Like online (Max 10 cars per character).


3. Being able to keep mission outfits - Like the full body armour used in the bank heist.

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