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GTA IV ASI loader crash

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For some reason both of the ASI loaders(Alexander's and Hazard's YAASIL) crash my game. It doesn't matter which ASI mod I put in the folder the game always crashes after 5-15 minutes of gameplay.

I have Steam version so it's the latest patch

Also before anyone says anything. No I won't use xliveless. The save redirection and inability to load my GFWL saves is just stupid. Wish it was updated to make the redirection toggle and properly support GFWL saves.


My specs:

CPU : Intel Core i7-3770S 3.1Ghz-3.9Ghz
GPU : nVidia GTX 580 1536MB
RAM : 8GB DDR3 2133
OS : Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 64bit


So any workarounds? For the record both ColAccel and recoilFix crash the game. I think the simple native trainer works, but I am not sure due to this stupid random crashing.

I tried the usual stuff like verifying the files, redownloading game, reinstalling drivers etc.

Oh right and I have the latest nvidia drivers 344.75, because I needed it for some of the new games.

Edited by Blackbird88
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GfWL randomly crashes the game if code has been patched as a sort of semi-anticheat, though xliveless should load original save games just fine?

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