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I Got The Hammer?

Go to solution Solved by TheGoodSgtScooter,

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For those that bought the SE/CE editions of GTA V last year on PS3 or XBOX 360, you get some bouns weapons and one of them being a hammer. Now I only bought the regluar edition of GTA V last year for XBOX 360 so the hammer wasn't avaiable for me. So today, I picked up my pre-orderd copy of GTA V for XBOX ONE, popped it in a played through a few missions. During the "The Long Stretch" you are asked to go into an Ammu-Nation and buy a shotgun with a flashlight attachment. Anyways I noticed that the hammer was avaiable. So my question is.. is this a mistake or has Rockstar giving ALL returing players bouns weapons, such as the hammer?

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