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1.18 65 MB Update

Delta India Echo

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LOL and what about those gigantic 1GB+ one, that made people jump into conclusions immediately, that it makes denser traffic, more people on the streets, adds more vehicles, weapons and many other sh*t! LOL Where's that?...gone now? LOL

Hating aside, I am really wondering what that is. It'd didn't change anything noticeable about the game, and bug fixes can't be 1.1 GB big.

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Guys do me a favour please if you are on PS4, press the Options button over the game icon and list what the launch day patch and this patch does in the patch notes. You can take a picture with the share button also if you like. Much thanks if you can.


Edit: It's just last gen then? Still wanna know about the day one patch though. Rockstar don't specify on the site.

Edited by Pifko
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Guys do me a favour please if you are on PS4, press the Options button over the game icon and list the launch day patch and this patch does in the patch notes. You can take a picture with the share button also if you like. Much thanks if you can.


version 1.01 fix bugs and improvements, that all I have downloaded.

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my PS4 just started downloading a new patch too...


it was already done but now it's downloading a new one suddenly

What? I never got a new update. Can you entail what the update notes say it does, when it's done?



sure but it's still 80 minutes away =/


not sure why it just started downloading now, when i had the game and the first 1GB patch already done yesterday :p

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Guys do me a favour please if you are on PS4, press the Options button over the game icon and list the launch day patch and this patch does in the patch notes. You can take a picture with the share button also if you like. Much thanks if you can.


version 1.01 fix bugs and improvements, that all I have downloaded.


That is all it says? Wow Rockstar are even secret about their patches now. It was 1.14gb though right? The patch can't really be nothing like they are suggesting.

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Guys do me a favour please if you are on PS4, press the Options button over the game icon and list the launch day patch and this patch does in the patch notes. You can take a picture with the share button also if you like. Much thanks if you can.


version 1.01 fix bugs and improvements, that all I have downloaded.


That is all it says? Wow Rockstar are even secret about their patches now. It was 1.14gb though right? The patch can't really be nothing like they are suggesting.



Sure thing...its NOT nothing, R* packed it with awesome 70's porn movie especially for you, people! OMG

Edited by ItsJustMeSrsly
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