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GT5 Pricing. Fair or Not?

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So game is charging £49.99 for GTA on XBOX ONE, am i the only one that thinks its a little expensive for a game that is not actually new but a later release, specially for people that have already played it on 360 and PS3.


I was expecting something around £35


What do you guys think?

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Do you think it's fair that someone has to pay full price for movies on Blu Ray and DVD, if they already own one version?


Because that's what's happening here. Different platforms, different products. It is completely fair.


Same as if you buy an album on vinyl then decide you want it on CD - you buy it again for the price of the new version, because it's a different format.


I can't see any reason for discussing this further, logic has been applied (a rare thing around here).

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It's been said before, but you can blow 60 quid on a Friday night quite easily. It's almost certain that you'll get at least 12 months of fun out of the game, so in terms of entertainment value, it's actually not that bad - even at a full price double dip.

Edited by ramtastic
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Uh, yeah... more dogs and the addition of cats, totally worth it with just that alone! I'm not gonna say I would pay $200 for it, but it's worth another $60 to me. GTA will always be worth the money. I know i'm gonna get a fun and long lasting experience, unlike most games nowadays.

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Reasonably fair.


If the game wasn't released on the PS3 then it would be extremely fair. But the fact that I have to pay for two copies just annoys me. To be honest, I think Rockstar planned it all just to get more cash. Seems a bit greedy to me by gaining cash from the PS3 and the next gen consoles.


But yeah I think it's a little bit fair. Currently, you should be able to find GTA V for around 35 pounds for the previous consoles

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I say yes and no. Well, ignoring the fact that I think no game is worth what they charge people these days.


I don't have the new gen so my opinion is unbiased. If you're buying GTA V for the first time, its expected that they sell it to you for the price of what a new game costs. People who already own the xbox 360 or ps3 versions should, of course, get a discount. I'd say at least 50% off. I understand that the graphics are better and there are some additions to the game, but its still the same game. Same world, same characters, same story. There's a difference between going from IV to V and going from V to an upgraded V. They shouldn't be charging people full price twice.

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Reasonably fair.


If the game wasn't released on the PS3 then it would be extremely fair. But the fact that I have to pay for two copies just annoys me. To be honest, I think Rockstar planned it all just to get more cash. Seems a bit greedy to me by gaining cash from the PS3 and the next gen consoles.


But yeah I think it's a little bit fair. Currently, you should be able to find GTA V for around 35 pounds for the previous consoles

And it's not greedy that you want two games and don't want to pay for both?

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