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36 new screenshots from the PS4 version

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Here are 36 new shots taken direct from the PS4 version. I should know because i took them. The embargo has now lifted so I think I'm free to answer any questions, but it's going to be a busy day so don't expect an answer straight away.





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you took these??! damn they are good. if i didn't know...i'd say these are official rockstar screens.

I like to think I'm quite good at taking screenshots, years of practice. Really helps you can turn the hud off, makes everything look amazing,





you took these??! damn they are good. if i didn't know...i'd say these are official rockstar screens.

I like to think I'm quite good at taking screenshots, years of practice. Really helps you can turn the hud off, makes everything look amazing,



Prepare for LOTS of requests, dude! Ahah...your PM box might get eventually spammed and flooded in no time! )))




you took these??! damn they are good. if i didn't know...i'd say these are official rockstar screens.

I like to think I'm quite good at taking screenshots, years of practice. Really helps you can turn the hud off, makes everything look amazing,


seriously they look amazing! is this using the share button?? you've raised my hype now...these look like official screenshots. this game is beautiful.


thanks for sharing

Edited by one55


The embargo has now lifted so I think I'm free to answer any questions



Who do you think will win X Factor?


That one who's on Gogglebox a lot.






you took these??! damn they are good. if i didn't know...i'd say these are official rockstar screens.

I like to think I'm quite good at taking screenshots, years of practice. Really helps you can turn the hud off, makes everything look amazing,


seriously they look amazing! is this using the share button?? you've raised my hype now...these look like official screenshots. this game is beautiful.


thanks for sharing


Thanks, obviously a lot of credit goes to RockStar for making sure a beautiful game. Oh, and teah, just one hit of share then 'save'.

Edited by DrBuckles
  • Like 2

The pic of Trevor (?) sitting on a car, is that from a cut scene or is it some sort of new feature where we can sit on objects such as cars?

Well he couldn't be playing as Trevor and taking the screen I guess. So one must assume cutscene. Or Trevor's kicking about with Michael

  • Like 1


I see there's a Tornado in the first screenshot. What does the interior look like? I want to know if they screwed it up...


Where do you see tornado on ANY of the shots, he provided? LOL


The f*cking Tornado in the first f*cking screenshot, just like he f*cking said, you f*cking imbecile. Oh yeah, LOL


The pic of Trevor (?) sitting on a car, is that from a cut scene or is it some sort of new feature where we can sit on objects such as cars?

Well he couldn't be playing as Trevor and taking the screen I guess. So one must assume cutscene. Or Trevor's kicking about with Michael


It's from a cut-scene.

Well since nobody else has asked, Did you ever or have you yet come across a bear lol... Any idea what the new animals actually are?

I haven't seen a bear but I haven't spent that much time in the countryside / forest. Just did the missions.


There are a lot of new dog breeds and the wildlife photography mission has you going after a lot of the new animals. I think I saw a boar yesterday.

  • Like 1

Here are 36 new shots taken direct from the PS4 version. I should know because i took them. The embargo has now lifted so I think I'm free to answer any questions, but it's going to be a busy day so don't expect an answer straight away.






Why are the images less than 1080p out of curiosity?


Here are 36 new shots taken direct from the PS4 version. I should know because i took them. The embargo has now lifted so I think I'm free to answer any questions, but it's going to be a busy day so don't expect an answer straight away.






Why are the images less than 1080p out of curiosity?


Probably my PS4 settings. I assume the share button can take images in 1080?




I see there's a Tornado in the first screenshot. What does the interior look like? I want to know if they screwed it up...


Where do you see tornado on ANY of the shots, he provided? LOL


The f*cking Tornado in the first f*cking screenshot, just like he f*cking said, you f*cking imbecile. Oh yeah, LOL



How the f*ck am i suppose to know he's talking about a car, that is named tornado and not an actual tornado? Better clarify next time that by tarnado, it is meant a vehicle and not a natural disaster for a God's sake!

Edited by ItsJustMeSrsly




I see there's a Tornado in the first screenshot. What does the interior look like? I want to know if they screwed it up...


Where do you see tornado on ANY of the shots, he provided? LOL


The f*cking Tornado in the first f*cking screenshot, just like he f*cking said, you f*cking imbecile. Oh yeah, LOL



How the f*ck am i suppose to know he's talking about a car, that is named tornado and not an actual tornado? Better clarify next time that by tarnado, it is meant a vehicle and not a natural disaster for a God's sake!


I initially thought that first post of yours was just a joke...

I thought it'd be pretty obvious since it's GTA and I spelled it from an upper case.

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