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Working dials.....yeah good luck reading them.

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So I don't know if anyone else noticed (as people are too busy arguing about traffic density) but the recent leaks showed something that trully put me off a bit, that a lot of cars have the steering wheels shamelessly blocking off the dials on the panel. Now please note that Rockstar reused the same old car interiors from last gen, they didn't make new ones and a lot of vehicles are using the same interior, which leads to some cars having the steering wheel either too low, angled to the right, left or just blocking off the f*cking panel.

This is even more bothering knowing Rockstar kept on rambling on and on and on about how much work and resources went into the new perspective and f*cking animations and textures and blah blah. Ok so you give us working dials without double checking to make sure ALL the cars have a properly placed steering wheel? Yeah makes a lot of sense I guess. Don't get me wrong, it's not like a f*cking deal braker, everything still looks extremely amazing and some cars still don't have any issues but I think it's something that needed more attention if they decided they were going to do this.



Edited by Wylight
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Can't people be f*cking happy for once!


No, because they can't make everyone happy and people will always hate something. It's just how it is.


This isn't ''hating'' mate, this is just being upset over a legitimately poor feature, it's not a subjective matter either, it's how things are really.

  • Like 1

The dials don't concern me, especially when there's only three states a vehicle in GTA exists in:


1) parked

2) speeding recklessly

3) crashed up a tree

So first people were complaining that steering wheels were to small and that you weren't supposed to see everything, and now that you see that some steering wheels are normal sized and block off a very small amount of the dials, you're mad? People are grasping at straws to find issues with the game, it reminds me of last year. If I wanted this amount of negativity I'd browse /v/.

  • Like 8

So first people were complaining that steering wheels were to small and that you weren't supposed to see everything, and now that you see that some steering wheels are normal sized and block off a very small amount of the dials, you're mad? People are grasping at straws to find issues with the game, it reminds me of last year. If I wanted this amount of negativity I'd browse /v/.


Sorry, have you seen the streams? Some cars have a lot more than a f*cking ''very small amount of dials''.


Seems to me like OP is bitter because he will be stuck on last gen while everyone else enjoys sweet 1080p goodness

Sounds to me like you're jumping to conclusions like a jackass, I'll be playing it on PC.

Edited by Wylight

The dials don't concern me, especially when there's only three states a vehicle in GTA exists in:


1) parked

2) speeding recklessly

3) crashed up a tree


Oh god, don't make me laugh, I got a cold and it makes me start having a coughing fit!!!!


This should be a meme damnit :).

Edited by Tigress
  • Like 1

What troubles me is the fact that so far in Rockstar's reveals we've seen the Track/Radio Display twice and i haven't been able to read it jack!


I mean come on, can YOU read this? Id imagin the guys at CVG had to somewhat severely alter the Coloring/Saturation/Sharpness of the image to have been able to finally ready what song it was. It might just be this cars dashboard(The Zentorno) that has a difficult display to read who knows.



Edited by iSupremacy

Why don't you wait until you actually PLAY the game, instead of relying on some crappy footage that was leaked. The gauges DO work, but I doubt people are going to even notice them after a while. Other than having them move realistically, I don't stare at them while driving anyway.

We haven't heard if the glove boxes will work yet... If we aren't able to use the glove boxes to hold all our fingerless gloves then this is a deal-breaker!!! Cancel all pre-orders!! Rockstar, you're ruining my life!!!

  • Like 1

It's a minor thing. So is the no gear shifting anims and something about windscreen wipers.


But guess what, if I wanted everything to work realistically I would go launch Project CARS.


Should just lock every thread until this f*cking game is out.

Edited by Assifuah



  • Like 1

After playing GTA: SA for the past 3 months with a FP mod and all the interiors black. I thoroughly enjoyed playing that game with the mod even with no details in the world. So, the fact that the dials even move is amazing to myself. Quit bitchin and enjoy the fact they even gave us the ability in the first place. I'm getting sick of you ungrateful whine babies on this forum. That's all you see anymore "wah wah melee sucks. Wah wah cops are too hard. Wah wah FP shouldn't exist in GTA. Wah wah the steering wheels are too small." just shut the f*ck up and get the game or DON'T.

  • Like 5

Just pretend it's supposed to be like that. Maybe there's a Heigth Diversion Act by the San Andreas state government that forces car manufacturers to offer high and low steering wheels so fat people and midgets can be comfortable. (Fat midgets are still screwed though).


Or maybe just, you know, f*ck off?

  • Like 3

What troubles me is the fact that so far in Rockstar's reveals we've seen the Track/Radio Display twice and i haven't been able to read it jack!


I mean come on, can YOU read this? Id imagin the guys at CVG had to somewhat severely alter the Coloring/Saturation/Sharpness of the image to have been able to finally ready what song it was. It might just be this cars dashboard(The Zentorno) that has a difficult display to read who knows.

On a 46" Screen, it'll be more than ok to read it.


...A lot of you seem to be missing his point! I honestly find it trying to explain all the details to you a waste of time and it will only lead to a wall of text, nobody would read! So lets just say when things like that make it to the final game, you start to worry for the rest of the game! Its like you're asking yourself if they weren't able to handle such a simple thing as steering wheels what about this...or what about that then...well...you get my point aren't you?

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